Chapter 20

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Alex was slowly creeping towards the knife. She is trying to cut the rope to get herself free. The knife was up on the table. She slowly crept up to it. "I see the knife." Alex said. She couldn't stand up so she started knocking the table until it started shaking and then the knife fell. "Yes!" She grabbed the knife while still tied. She then slowly cut the rope on her back to cut free. After a little cutting, she was finally free. "I'm coming back to save you Leo." Alex said. "Be back soon, I can feel my lungs being poked." Leo said. Alex left the room in search of the others...Freddy was slowly marching up to them. He was ready to grab one of them, Clay stood in front of the others and held his gun out. "I'll shoot you bear!" Clay yelled. Freddy was growing closer to them, he showed no restraint on stopping. Olivia screamed...Alex was by the main stage when she heard someone screaming. She decided to rush over to where the sound was coming from. She peeked around the corner and saw her friends, and Matt trapped in the prize corner as Freddy drew closer. Suddenly a hook swung close to her head. It just narrowly missed her. Foxy was there looking angry. Alex backed away from Foxy as he got ready to charge at her. She looked down and there was a peice of metal on the floor. Just then Alex had an idea. She got the piece of metal and ran towards Freddy. Freddy turned around and saw her. Alex then jumped and smacked Freddy with the metal. Freddy screamed. "ALEX!!!" Matt shouted as they saw her save them. Freddy was starting to run at her. Alex then saw Foxy running at her. She ducked at the last second and slid past Foxy as he swung his hook at her. The hook then landed in Freddy's eye. Sparks were coming out of his eye and Foxy's hook was jammed. They were stuck. Alex came back and hugged them. "Oh my gosh Alex, thank goodness you're alive." Matt said. "We all are." Aiden said. "Where's Leo?" Olivia asked. "There is a false wall by the bathroom corridor, in there he is trapped in a brown torso that can kill him at any moment." Alex said. They then headed for the bathroom corridor, then Bonnie appeared. He had his guitar out, he then swung it at them. They backed up, then a yellow light shown. They looked behind themselves and Chica was there. They then dove off to the side to escape them. They ran and burst through the false wall. They were out of breath...

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