make me [reid x alec]

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a/n: this was in my oneshot book on my main too!

written by CarWritesFanfic

ok i'm salty not many of my indents saved. as i copied and pasted this. smh whatever if you want indents, go to my oneshot book.



Wait. . . You don't know what it is?
How do you not? Like. . . Everyone plays it nowadays.

Psh, whatever. I'll explain it to you.

There are two types of people in this secret phenomenon called Nerve. Watchers and Players. The two 'classes' are very different.

The Watchers only watch as Players do extreme, crazy dares that fellow Watchers set them [Players] up to do.

Really, there's just one major rule.

Don't expose the game because snitches get stitches.

I've broken this rule.


"Come on," Reid's friend, Monty (short for Montgomery) said through the Skype call they were sharing, "It'll be fun." The Indian sat in his dorm room, sitting Indian Style (ironically) on his bed.

Reid pursed his lips, the blue light of the screen reflecting on his face. It was around eleven o'clock at night (for Reid -- They were in different time zones due to college locations) and frankly, Reid would've said anything to get out of that call.

"Are you sure?" The brunette asked his friend, his eyes looking over the laggy figure on his computer screen. "Yea! Positive. Why else would I be suggesting it to you?" Montgomery responded.

"I mean, like. . . Is it safe?" Reid said, "You didn't let me finish." He added. "Oh." The Indian bounced a bit, "Well, that's unpredictable. It's up to the Watchers to decide what you do, safe or not. Besides! You don't even need to be a Player," Monty licked his lips, "Being a Player is pretty fun though."

Reid sighed audibly, "Fine." He stated, "I'll join." This caused Montgomery to smile, "Great!" Monty started, "I'll, uhh. . Send you the link or something."

The brunette nodded slightly, "Okay, yea, whatever. . ." He muttered.

"Well, I gotta go. . ." Monty continued to ramble, "Don't go to sleep until you become sign up for Nerve!" He exclaimed, ending the call only a couple seconds after that.

Reid waited for a few moments, about to close his computer when he heard a small Ding!, signaling that someone had messaged him.

As expected, it was Monty sending him the link to this Nerve thing. Despite Reid's multiple stomach turns, he clicked the link anyways and watched the video that appeared on his screen. Reid popped in his earbuds, then started watching.

"Welcome to Nerve," A robotic voice greeted with a 3-D, pink and yellow 'Welcome To Nerve' spinning around on the screen slowly. "Nerve is like truth or dare. Without the truth," It showed different gif-like images with every couple words, "Watchers pay to play. Players play to win cash and glory. Dares are given by Watchers, dares accepted or denied by Players. Once a dare is not completed, the Player is disqualified from Nerve. Team up with other competitors to complete the impossible. The longer you play, the more money you win, the harder the dares become. There are two rules. First rule, there are no rules. Second rule, snitches get stitches. Do not tell authorities of Nerve. Snitches get stitches. Snitches get stitches. Welcome to Nerve." There seemed to be a slight glitch, 'Welcome To Nerve' being played a couple times before another screen popped up. (a/n: I got this off of a description of someone's book so that I could remember the whole speech. just letting you know so that no one got mad)

Reid gulped, two buttons appearing on the screen. There was a pink button that had the word 'Player' engraved into it, the other being yellow with the word 'Watcher' in it. "Are you a Watcher or are you a Player?" The same robotic voice from earlier asked.

"Am I really doing the right thing?" Reid questioned himself quietly. "Yea. . . Whatever." If Monty did it, then he assumed that it was okay.

He would soon find out that it wouldn't be okay. Not at all. "Maybe I should just be a Watcher. . ." The brunette muttered to himself, his cursor hovering over the yellow button. "But wouldn't being a Player be more fun?" He continued, him thinking aloud.

"Whatever." He mumbled for about the fifth time tonight, switching over to the pink button. He hit it, something showing up on his screen.

"Username." The robotic voice stated, a search bar-like thing under the word 'Username' on his screen.

"ReidMalik." He muttered, typing it into the computer. His last name was Miller, but Zayn Malik though.

"Welcome to Nerve, Reid Miller." The same automated voice from earlier stated. Reid glanced at the screen weirdly, "I never gave it my actual last name." He mumbled suspiciously.

The brunette shrugged, "It's probably not a big deal." He stated, not taking much thought to it. He went on with the process.

Reid glanced down at his phone, it blinking and beeping with a notification saying 'Downloading Nerve'. The crimson eyed male flashed his phone (which is an inanimate object) an odd look.

"It's not a big deal." Reid assured himself. In the back of his head, he frankly wasn't too sure if what he had told himself was true. It could be a huge. . . Gigantic deal. He pushed those thoughts to the back of his head and closed his computer lid.

"Stop talking to yourself, would ya?" Reid's roommate, Liam told him, "I've been having to listen to your mumbling and your conversation with 'Momgomery' for the past three hours." Liam wasn't a huge fan of Montgomery for some reason, giving him the nickname 'Momgomery' (truth be told, Monty wasn't too fond of that).

Reid rolled his eyes, "Stop grumping. Your negativity is clogging my air flow." Reid told the fellow brunette, Liam just groaning and rolling onto his side in response. His back was to Reid if his position is really all that important.

"Good. Let it clog." Liam grumbled out, squeezing his eyes shut, "Now turn off the lights!" He exclaimed.

"Okay, okay," Reid started, hoisting himself off his twin bed (that he barely fit on, mind you). The 5'11 brunette trudged over to the light switch.

Reid's eyesight got worse, him only being able to make out dark versions of each object in the room. He walked through the room, soon tripping on one of Liam's shoes.

A curse left his mouth, him propping his head up. His eyes were drawn to the window, him seeing someone hanging from a tree with one hand, a phone in the other.

"See this, Watchers? This is what I'm talkin' about!" The male said, the tree about twenty to thirty feet tall. He grinned, then jumped to another branch. He jumped to another, soon hitting the ground. He ran off.

Reid's eyes widened, then he scrambled to his feet and made his best attempt to get to his bed.

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