Robert x Kaitlin (Christmas present)

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cannedjammas ' Christmas present!! she's seen this but i wanted to post it here anyway.


Kaitlin was running down the street. She was late to an interview and she COULD NOT be late. This was an interview that could shape and change her entire career for, well, ever! She ran into the building where her interview was, adrenaline running through her. She was excited and nervous at the same time.

"Hi!" Kaitlin said as she walked into the room, "I'm so sorry I'm late. . . Kids." She sat down.

"It's nice to see you again, Kaitlin." The interviewer said.

"Same to you." She responded, smiling nervously.

"Are you ready to start?"

"Mhm. Let's start."


It was a few days after the interview ended, Kaitlin waiting around anxiously for that one call that was destined to change her life, and the life of her children. This was wildly important to her, so she had her phone with her 24/7. Kaitlin was determined that this position was hers.

Eventually, she got a call. Kaitlin scrambled over to her phone, picking it up at the speed of light.

"Hello?" Kaitlin asked into the phone.

"Kaitlin!" Someone with the name of Taylor said into the phone. He worked with the company, "How are you?"

"Great! Thanks." She responded.

"I have some great news for you." He replied, "You. . ." Taylor paused for dramatic effect. Those few seconds he paused felt like years, "Got the job!" He exclaimed.

Kaitlin's eyes widened, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Taylor chuckled lightheartedly, "No problem. I'll see you next Monday at 9. Okay?"

"Okay! Awesome! Thank you!"

"Merry Christmas, Kaitlin." He smiled, hanging up.

Kaitlin let out a loud squeal, a large smile on her face. She was completely ecstatic. This was going to be great! In short, she couldn't wait until Monday.

"What's wrong, Mommy?" Peyton asked her.

"Nothing's wrong." Kaitlin said, "I'm excited!"


"I just got a job," Kaitlin started, "and I think you're gonna like it."

Peyton smiled, "YAY!" She walked off.

There was this loud crash, and a silent pause following.


Kaitlin rolled her eyes. Typical.


Monday arrived. Charles had taken the kids to school per Kaitlin's request. In this AU, Charles isn't an asshole! It's a Christmas fucking miracle!

Anyways, Kaitlin rushed out the door and was to the studio in which her job was at. She had the largest smile on her face.

"Kaitlin!" Taylor walked up to her, "I'm glad you could make it." He responded, "Was traffic okay?"

"Yeah," Kaitlin responded, "traffic was fine." She paused, "Where do you want me to go?"

Taylor stopped, it seeming as if he'd drawn a blank for a second, "OH! Yeah." He took a second, "Follow me. I'll take you to your makeup artist." He walked away, having Kaitlin follow him.

"Her name's Sarah," Taylor prepped, "She's super cool. I think you two will get along." He continued, "But she's running a bit late, so that'll give you a few seconds to get used to the place and read over your lines. How does that sound?"

"Great." Kaitlin replied, "It sounds great."

"Good!" Taylor responded. He approached a room, "And here we are." The brunette put his hand on the doorknob, getting ready to open it, "Welcome to your own," he opened the door, "dressing room!" He smiled brightly.

Kaitlin gasped, "This is beautiful! Thank you so much!" Kaitlin responded, looking at Taylor, then back at the room. She ran in.

Taylor chuckled lightly, "I'll give you a second to take it in." He closed the door.

Kaitlin's eyes scanned the room. Her eyes were filled with light and excitement. This was great! She had her own dressing room, her own makeup artist; she had faith in this operation.

Eventually, there was a knock on the door. Kaitlin turned her head to it, the door opening.

"Hi! I'm Sarah. You must be Kaitlin, am I right?"

Kaitlin smiled, "Yeah, I am."

"It's nice to meet you."

"Back at you."

Sarah and Kaitlin sat for a little bit, until Taylor came in to retrieve Kaitlin.

"Hey, Kaitlin?" Taylor started.


"Your co-worker is here. Do you want to meet him?"

"Of course!"

"Come with me." Taylor lead her out.

A tall man with chocolate brown skin stood, conversing with his manager. He had dark brown eyes and a large smile.

"Robert?" Taylor questioned, tapping the large man's shoulder.

He turned, his smile not fading, "Yeah?"

"I have someone I want you to meet. She'll be the lead in the movie; your co-worker." Taylor paused, "Robert, this is Kaitlin. Kaitlin, this is Robert."

Kaitlin smiled, and they shook hands.

"It's nice to meet you, Kaitlin." Robert's voice was heavenly. It melted Kaitlin inside out.

"I-It's nice to meet you too, Robert." She responded. They made eye contact, it seeming like the other was the only one in the world.

There were sparks that erupted when their hands collided. It was magical.

They'd found their 'one'.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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