Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven

I've been tied up for two days now, Liam has barely left my side and all he's done is try to get into my head. He gets angry most of the time but then he'll go into hysterical laughing fits, he's truly lost it and though I should be furious with him, I can't help but feel sorry and want to get him help. Believe it or not, he used to be sweet and kind with every ounce of compassion there is. That's why I fell for him, I had never met someone with a better personality but I guess it had two sides. It's gotten to the point where I've given up all hope for escaping now, I've worn myself out completely. And just when I think I can't get any more down about this day, Liam comes in with a bright smile except this bright smile has a tint of evil. Like always.

"Good morning!" He cheers, sitting down across from me and placing a hand on my thigh. He keeps touching me like this, as if we were still a couple and it disgusts me, making me feel sick to my stomach. I stay silent, refusing to speak but a small squeak fights it's way out when he tightens his grip onto me. "When I speak to you, you reply!" He groals.

"Morning." I whimper, looking away from his cold glare.

"That's more like it! Now, there is someone I want you to meet, in fact, I think you already know them. They helped me bring us back together." At this, I cringe, bring us back together? We're not together, not in the slightest. Like always, I keep my mouth closed, I'm going to have to handle whatever this is or whoever he has planned to come in. "Sarah!"

"What?!" And that's when I talk. Sarah then comes in but not on her own, with Joe tied to a chair she is pushing in.

"Y/N?!" Joe almost shouts as he gets closer to me and I do the same. This whole time I've been believing he's been out there looking for me but really he's been in the exact same situation.

"Long time no see," Sarah smirks over to me, her smug look remaining.

"Please let her go, you have me." Joe pleads.

"No! Let him go." I protest.

"No. None of you are going." Sarah sighs, hushing Liam as he goes to talk.

"Please! Just let Y/N go, you don't need her."

"I do!" Liam pipes up, standing up but Sarah pushes him back down in his seat.

"Liam. You got what you wanted and now I have what I need. You can go away." Sarah rolls her eyes. "Anyway. I thought I'd have the decency for you two to say goodbye."

"There will no goodbyes!" Joe shouts.

"Oh, Joe! I know you love her but you'll love me just as much." Sarah smiles, kissing him and on the lips!

"You have got to be kidding me?!" This is when my jealousy kicks in...

"Does it bother you that you can't do anything?" Sarah giggles, kissing him once more, Joe trying to pull away; his face full of disgust. I shuffle in my chair at an attempt to get at her but of course, like every other time, it fails.

"Let's just let them say goodbye." Liam sighs, standing up and leaving, Sarah following.

"Let's not waste time, we're getting out." Joe smiles at me hopefully. He then jumps in his chair and soon his hand is in mine, it's so comforting to be with him again. I've missed everything about him, even the things I never noticed before. Like how when he laughs he squints his eyes ever so slightly. I just missed everything, waking up in the morning to his sleepy frown and messy hair; sometimes his hair was messier than mine. Joe begins to untie the tightrope that clings to my red and swollen wrists. Soon I'm out and freedom has never felt so good, I untie my ankle and do the same for Joe. I feel as if I've forgotten to walk, my legs feeling like jelly but I can't focus on that right now, I need to rush out before they come back. I don't even know where they are, I don't know where I am but I need to escape. When Joe stands up the first thing he does is cup my cheeks with his hands and presses his lips onto mine, he's never kissed me like this before. It's unexplainable. It's a kiss almost making up for our time without each other.

"Come on," I giggle. "We need to go."

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