Chapter 7

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Yo! Long time no update huh? Unfortunately, College has been draining my life energy, and I had to sell my soul to the devil to keep up with the workload—the devil being copious amounts of caffeine and an empty wallet

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Yo! Long time no update huh? Unfortunately, College has been draining my life energy, and I had to sell my soul to the devil to keep up with the workload—the devil being copious amounts of caffeine and an empty wallet. So there hasn't been much time for my hobby.


How do you guys like the new story cover? I did it myself a while ago, but didn't want to upload it until I posted another chapter for an extra POW—ya know?

There's some advancement of the plot in this chappy. I hope you guys like it! I'm posting this basically right after I finished it, so I only did a skim through for wording and grammar/ typos, but I just COULD NOT keep you guys waiting any longer! xD

Feedback is appreciated! Very much so!

Now, now, enough with the rambling, enjoy the show! (Not really a show but... you know.)

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Kuroko sat at the top of the Hokage monument and watched as the sun rose up from the horizon. It was a warm morning, warm compared to the chilling cold that they've had for the last week, and snow was falling off roofs onto unfortunate pedestrians. He'd gotten up quite early, involuntarily, but early nonetheless—snow had also dropped on top of him and he felt sympathy for the people who were being buried. It was funny though, he had to admit. Except when he almost suffocated from falling asleep outside.

"I wonder if Touji needs an extra pair of hands..." He didn't really have anything better to do. His arm was still injured, and he had another three days until he could start training regularly, so all he could do was practice his chakra strings and run to help with his stamina. He could also go over the three jutsu he knew from the academy. He passed, but he wasn't the fastest with those techniques and felt that he could do better than that. The henge was his best out of the three, then was the bunshin, and further behind was the kawamiri. I'm better with Genjutsu then maybe?

Getting up once he was finished stretching off his stiff body, he transformed into his cat-self and made his way down the monuments long staircase. He wouldn't have to talk to anyone on his way as a cat.

He heard the people before he could see them, and as the group got closer, he was able to get what the yelling was about. Two of the people shouted out "Youth!" like it was some kind of religion. A Genin team he realised. There were three kids around his age and a Jounin. Blinking, he looked again at the two of the group that caught the majority of his attention. They looked like cucumbers, or a cucumber and a pickle with bad haircuts. Kuroko wondered why he was describing them as vegetables but was told why from his growling stomach. He would go to an Akimichi restaurant for breakfast. His attention was brought back to the group running up the stairs as they were getting much closer.

He sat down to watch and in a matter of seconds, the green duo created a wake of wind as they ran passed, effectively blowing his fur in every which direction.

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