Chapter 13

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Ah, well it's been quite some time since I've updated this one. My apologies, though I do have a sufficient reason.

I got a job and now I need to work my way up the corporate ladder and gain seniority so I can snag a full-time position. So I'm now working two jobs to get by. Not to mention it's almost tax season. Woe is me. ;A;

To make up for things I have a large chapter for you all. It's a whopping 7,617 words! I hope you all will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing some of the scenes!

Please enjoy!

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Kuroko was anxious.

He had never been in an Onsen before. There were a few in Konoha proper, though he never had an interest in going in once. He wasn't... confident in his body—not in the slightest. His hands moved away from the fabric and clasped together. His voice cracked as he spoke up, "Um... I'm going to get a drink first."

Chouji and Shikamaru's eyes followed Kuroko's fingers to the little drink station closer to the lobby. "Want us to wait for you Kuroko?" Chouji asked, slowing to a stop.

"Ah, n-no it's okay. I'll catch up!"

Shikamaru nudged Chouji and gestured him to follow him into the hot spring. They heard Kuroko sigh in relief, and Chouji just figured that Kuroko was being shy.

Kuroko sat down and waited a few minutes until he was sure that the two of them would be in the bath already. He absently fiddled with his clothes as he waited.

Despite it being a new one, the bottom of Kuroko's poncho was already starting to fray from his habit of tugging at the fabric when nervous. It wasn't something he was aware of either, but he was dreading what was coming next.

Entering quietly, he scanned the area. No person was in sight and he sighed, reassured that he was fine for the time being. Stripping down, Kuroko was thankful that the towels provided were large. Given Kuroko's small stature, the towel wrapped around his chest and ended mid-thigh, so it would provide good cover. Silently, he went out into the onsen to wash up beforehand and shivered as his bare feet touched the cold stone floor.

The steam of the onsen was thick as the night air was cold, dropping below ten degrees without the wind factoring in. Chouji and Shikamaru were silent as they both relaxed in the hot water, bodies protected from the cool wind that rustled the leaves on the trees that were beginning to fall.

Finding a secluded washing station, Kuroko took solace in the privacy given by the steam. The hair on his neck stood up on end when a cool gust of wind came by as he washed his body and he sneezed.

"You alright over there Kuro?" Shikamaru wondered how long he was going to take, but then again, whenever Kuroko took a bath he was in there for at least an hour.

"Y-yes!" Shikamaru's voice startled him and a loud, hollow thud was heard as he dropped the water basin on the ground. "I'm almost done!"

Chouji stretched and got into a more comfortable position, "There's no rush, it's not like the water is going to get cold."

A smirk stretched Shikamaru's lips as he had an image in his head, three... two... one. The sound of water was heard when Kuroko washed himself off by dumping the basin full of water on himself. Feeling clean and content, he padded over to the bath.

Smirking, Shikamaru counted down in his head, 3... 2... 1...

The wind bit into Kuroko's warm, wet skin, and he nearly tripped with how violently he reacted to the shock. "Ah! T-h-hat's cold!" He stumbled for a moment and regained his bearings.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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