Fashion at its Finest

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I got a new dress,
Do you like it?

It has flowers on it like all of my other dresses.

In fact it looks exactly like all of my other dresses.

This one hasnt been worn yet.

It hasn't been tainted my my toxic skin.

Or stretched by my bones.

Or dulled by my roughness.

It's a virgin.

Its so clean, and guilt free.

And maybe this time when I wear it I wont begin the day thinking repeatedly of  what I think others will say about it.

And rehersing the lines I would say back to them.

At lunch maybe I wont spill my drink on it.

At home maybe I wont spill my salty tears onto it.

That began to swell over stupid reasons that have nothing to do with sadness.

Maybe my sweat wont make the dress cling to me oh so tightly.

Maybe when I peel it off my skin I won't look in the mirror disapointedly.

And maybe just this once I'll wear it and actually feel, like its my body that's supposed to be wearing it.

I got a new dress,
Do you like it?

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