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"I loved my brother." Cheryl Blossom's voice rang through the gym, "He was, and will always be, my soulmate."

My hands were shaking again, definitely betraying my cool and collected facade. I shouldn't have come to this, I could feel the entire auditoriums eyes on me and it sent my nerves into a frenzy. I also hadn't considered that Jughead would be here, or Kevin for that matter and that they, probably (definitely) wouldn't be happy to see me.

Cheryl's voice was still droning on, I was only snapped back to reality when shocked murmurs erupted in the room. I'd only managed to catch the tail-end of what she'd been saying: "...and that's why I've asked the school board not to cancel the back-to-school semi-formal."

Cheryl continued despite the murmurs, her slightly duller red lips turning upward as the melancholy tone of her speech melted away, "Rather, we can use it as a way to heal collectively and celebrate my brother's too too short life on this mortal coil. Thank you, all."

Applause rang out in the gymnasium shortly followed by the crowds of people standing and making their way to the door. I planned to hide in the throes of people and leave undisturbed but alas Archie's hand wrapped around my arm just as I attempted to enact my great escape.

I sighed but reluctantly turned around to face him, "Archie, fancy seeing you here."

"If Jughead sees you—" he began, his eyebrows furrowing in concern.

"Too late." An all-too-familar voice snapped from behind me.

"Shit," I murmured spinning around and preparing to plaster a smile on my face but his ruffled hair shoved messily underneath his beanie brought a genuine smile to my face instead.

"What are you doing here, Lola?" He asked, but it sounded more like a demand.

"I heard about Jason and wanted to make sure you guys were okay, I—" My explanation was cut off by his glare.

"What, so suddenly you care if we're okay?" He scoffed and shook his head, a curl bouncing as he did so.

"Okay, I get that you're upset—" I began, trying my hardest to diffuse the situation before it became a scene.

"Oh really?" Sarcasm dripped from his voice.

"I'm so so sorry. Every since I left I've felt so terrible—" I pleaded but he cut me off again.

He shook his head and began walking down the steps but he always had to have the last word: 

"Not bad enough to call and tell me why."  

lola | JUGHEAD JONES ✔Where stories live. Discover now