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Veronica wore a wicked bright red grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. I knotted my fingers together under the table but attempted to keep up the calm facade.

"Penny?" She asked again, leaning forward on her elbows.

I raked my mind for a lie but the idea of finally getting this off my chest was too alluring and before I thought it through I blurted, "My lawyer."

She straightened, her eyebrows raised, "and the plot thickens."

"Swear to me, this never leaves this booth," I demanded, leaning forward.

"My lips are sealed, Lolita." Her grin widened.

"I lied to Jughead," I began, rubbing the palms of my hands together under the table, "I'd known where my brother was for months."

Veronica leaned toward me, hanging onto every word. "I, um, I—" I sighed dropping my head into my hands in exasperation.

Veronica's hand curled around my forearm, "It's alright, this is between us."

I nodded, meeting her curious gaze, "She's almost a lawyer. She works for the Serpents..." I trailed off, rolling my bottom lip between my teeth and knotting my fingers under the table but continued as Veronica leaned forward, "look, long story short... I killed Jason Blossom." 

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