e l e v e n

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The old mattress nearly buckled under the strain we put in it. The rusted springs groaning loudly in protest at even the slightest movement. But I didn't mind in the slightest because it felt like home; it felt like nostalgia.

I was curled on Jugheads chest, his arm wrapped around me and my ear pressed directly above his heart so the familiar sound could lull me to sleep.

Jugheads other hand was resting on the arm I had wrapped around his torso, his fingers moving back and forth against the skin soothingly.

The sun fell in shards against the bed, painted golden stripes on the off white bed sheets. We both laid there still, trying not to break the spell that had fallen over us whilst we slept.

Our legs were tangled together and I'd forgotten how wonderful it was to sleep against him. Not alone in a cold hotel bed but back in our apartment with his arms wrapped around me.

I shifted ever so slightly, the familiar groan of the springs breaking the silence. I stretched my legs, preparing myself for the chill of the air outside of the comforter and away from the warmth radiating from Jughead but before I could leave I felt him press his lips to my hair.

"I'm sorry."

lola | JUGHEAD JONES ✔Where stories live. Discover now