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Darkness burnt her eyes, etching into her skull, and projecting all around her. The smell of the forest surrounding her tingled her nose as she ran. Her legs carried her over difficult obstacles as tree branches slapped at her, cuts across her exposed skin stung as she pushed herself on. Her heart beat loud in her ears, adrenaline rushing through her body as she kept running. Slamming into trees, she pushed herself to keep running. Fear etched into her every being, she knew she had to keep running. Her head whipped around in front of her, trying to find somewhere to run. She was pointlessly running, she couldn’t turn around and run back the way she came, there was more than one thing chasing her. She had barely stood still enough to get a good look at the smudges. Had barely gave them a second glance until they started making noises.

Running from them. They were evil and nightmares, she had barely time to respond within the first attack – and now they chased her though the depths of the forest, cackling behind her as she blinked back hot tears, still running. Her bare feet slapped on the ground as she ran unevenly, her muscles ached and her left eye was swollen from slamming into a tree a while back. She couldn’t do this; she couldn’t keep up the pace. She felt herself slow and even though everything ached she urged her limbs to flail in hopes of escape. The things had been chasing her since she stumbled too far away from the party, the drinks and booming music was a distant memory know that she ran. She hoped that something would save her. Rushing water could be heard over her ragged breaths, that’s where she could escape – let the waters current drag her away rather then these things get to her. She was a nobody; she was barely passing classes and was always partying with friends – she should have never come into the forest – even if it was a dare.

“You’re mine now,”a voice seemed to whisper. The things throat sounded wet, as if the chase excited it. Hot breath on the back of her neck. Her hairs stood on end as a cold hand yanked her back by the mass of hair that had come loose in the wind. She let out a scream, but a slicing noise turned it into a gurgle. Pain over came her, her throat burned and she felt as if she were drowning – the thing had slit her throat. “That’s not good, you’ve got blood all over your pretty shirt,” the voice hissed as she stared up at the many, dark leaves, the moon peaked through the foliage. The night air kissed her skin as she was picked up and carried away. “He has a lot planned for you.” A bright, blaring red light pierced the forest as the large figure carrying her walked through, it pinched at her skin as her surroundings changed into a cement palace, footsteps rushing around as she felt the blood trickle down her neck and soak her clothes, her blood.

“Help me,” she whispered before her eyes closed, giving up, despite her words. Hoping someone would hear her, and help her. Her body refused to move – to cooperate any more as she laid lifeless in the arms of someone. A blaring light surrounded them as she was hoisted up. Amelia Harrison knew she wasn’t in the small town of Ellis Ridge anymore.

Hunted: Tales Of The ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now