Chapter 6

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"AHHHHHHHHH!" Coach yelled as Stiles pressed on his stomach.

"GET IT OUT OF ME! get it out of me! get it out of me!" Coach yelled again.

I looked at the boys as they rolled their eyes.

"I'm gonna die!" Coach said again.

"Coach, Coach you aren't gonna die!" Stiles says looking at me.

"Oh My God, Im gonna die, GET IT OUT OF ME!" coach yelled as I burst.

"YOU AREN'T GONNA DIE!" I yelled as my voice echoed threw the woods and loud thunder and lighten came from the sky.

Everyone looked at me as I looked at the sky.

"I was keeping that in for when Stiles breaks my heart again." I said.

"Love you two princess." Stiles said as sirens came.


I sat at home on my bed looking at the door.

Everyone's making me stay home since I'm not anything supernatural.

I asked dad if he knew anything about me that I don't know. All he would say was.

"Your figure that out soon enough." He would say.

I picked up my phone and dialled mums number.

"Yes sweetheart?" Mum asked.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could see Isaac?" I asked.

"Fine, ill call the sheriff and ask him to take you." Mum said than hang up.

I grab a new jacket and the flowers I got him before hand.

I walked down stairs and to the door to see the sheriff already here.


"Hey Isaac." I said walking into the dark room.

I placed the flowers on a table and pulled up a chair.

"That was brave, pushing Allison out of the way." I said.

Isaac didn't move I grab his hand.

"You know your like a second brother to me, listens when Scott not there, make sure I'm safe." I said looking down.

His hand tighten mine I looked up to see his eyes open.

"Sam?" Isaac asked getting up I pushed him back down gently.

"Don't move you right sides burned." I said.

I looked to see the burns gone as skin reformed over the burns.

"How did that happen you had a third degree burn." I said.

"Yea their gone you you you healed me." Isaac said.

"I did didn't I I'm gonna get my mum." I said running off to find mum.

"Mum! I touched Isaac than he healed. come on!" I said pulling her along.

"This is weird." Mum said.

"First it was me yelling at coach as my voice echoed through the forest and thunder and lighten came from the sky, than its me healing Isaac." I said freaking out!!!!!

"Sam come down, take Isaac home and make sure no one put the pack see him." Mum said.

"Okay come on Isaac." I said grabbing his arm running out.


"You have to go to a mental hospital?!" I asked Stiles.

"Yes, but it's for my own good, I promise ill be back to myself soon." Stiles said.

I nod as my stomached turned into notts as I moaned in pain.

"Princess are you okay?" Stiles asked as I felt dizzy.

"No I don't feel so well." I said running to the bathroom.

I puked as Stiles pulled my hair back.

"Princess?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah?" I asked moaning in pain again.

"Why do I heard two hearts beats and a faint one?!" Scott asked knocking in the door.

Stiles opened the door as Scott came rushing in.

"Sam please don't tell me that your."

"Pregnant!" I said I shook my head fast.

"No I'm not, Stiles did you put on the condom?" I asked.

"Oh god Thats what I forgot." Stiles said.

"Oh no I'm seventeen and pregnant, Thats just great, my son and or daughter could be a demon thingy." I said.

'Oh no no no no no NO!' I thought.


"You are in fact pregnant." Mum said.

I burst out crying as Allison as Lydia held my hand.

Stiles was in the corner muttering something.

Scott Isaac and Ethan had their heads in their hands.

And Aidan was growling.

"What am I going to do, I can't carry a baby with all the things that are happening." I said.

"You can always go to Carlisle's, he said if we need any help he will." Scott said.

"Who is Carlisle?" Ethan asked.

"My dads friend he's a vampire." I said.

"Lydia and Allison go pack all of Sam's things." Mum said.

"Isaac could you drive Sam to forks?" Scott asked.

"That's like a six hour drive, but ill to it." Isaac said.

"Thank you Isaac." Stiles said going to my side.

"Be safe you two, when you get the gender call me." Stiles said.

"Okay I will, get back to your old self." I said.

"Anything." Stiles said giving me a kiss.


Isaac put the last of the gas thing in the tank as Allison placed the last bag.

"Call us when you get there." Scott said.

"Okay, tell Derek he can call me when he gets a call." I said.

"Anything sweetheart." Mum said.

"Make sure Stiles gets back to his old self." I said.

"Sam time to go." Isaac said.

Mum and Scott gave me one last hug.

I got pulled into a hug by Allison and Lydia than Ethan and Aidan.

"Bye." I waved getting into the car.

"Ready for an six hour drive?" Isaac asked.

"As ill ever be." I said as Isaac speeded off.

A.N this is based on breaking dawn part 2. and will be lots of chapters not on hold.

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