Master of Death - Prologue

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"The wars between the gods is growing more tense. There is no way to be certain that anyone will win."

"On the contrary. There is one way that a god can ensure victory."

"How can there possibly be? All gods are created with similar strengths and weaknesses."

"Not all. Have you heard the legend of the missing goddess?"

"Of course, though most would not tend to consider the tale."

"It is no such thing. Somewhere on earth there is a goddess that no god has laid eyes on. She is the one with the powers to win the war. If another god or goddess is to have her on their side, they will surely be the victors of this great war."

"What god of any kind has enough power to defeat the rest of the immortals?"

"The one without any limits to what they can do. The supreme goddess; mistress of magic."

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