Chapter 2 - Slaves of the Sun

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Slaves of the Sun

Darkness follows all like a shadow under even the brightest light.

This time I awaken at noon. Talia likes to provide me with the expensive dresses that she does not bother to use, so I select one at random to wear on my little adventure today. It is a long and flowing purple dress with light, thin sleeves, as well as an intricate trim that adds to the price of the item. I know that Talia will be disappointed with me for not doing up my hair, but I leave it straight down the entirety of my back. Because hunting is on the agenda for today, I throw on my cloak and pack up my arrows. Snatching my bow on the way out and covering my head with the hood, I descend the stairs and exit through the back door.

I head straight for the forest, using the trees as cover from any villagers spotting me with a weapon. As I walk like a ghost through the woods, I listen for absolutely anything, as well as scout the area for the servants of Ra. It is only a matter of time before I spot one hiding behind a tree, and I never take my eyes off of him as I advance in his direction. As I get closer I can make out the sun markings on his eyelids, then stop a couple feet away from the man that reveals himself. To prevent him from doing anything I don't want him to, I point the end of my bow at his neck. This bow conveniently has a blade along the front for close combat maneuvers.

"Why have you been sent here," I ask in a deadly tone.

He seems reluctant to answer, but for some reason still does. "The master wishes to keep an eye on you. You are a valuable asset that he cannot afford to lose,"

"And what purpose do I serve to him?"

"That is information the lord does not speak to everyone about,"

"Fine. Then what were your instructions in coming here?"

He smirks, nearly invoking rash actions on my part. "We have been told to simply observe your actions and whereabouts. In time will our lord take further action, but for the time being you are not to be touched,"

Well this is aggravating. I do have some degree of patience and mercy, so I let this one off the hook. "Leave at once and tell your sun god that if he has something to say to me, or anything regarding me for that matter, that he must speak with me himself. Next time I see any of you I am killing everyone I see," I say, half as a threat and half as a statement. I am killing all of these servants if Ra continues to send them after me.

"I understand. I shall relay your message to him immediately." He bows as I lower my bow, and rides off into the sky on a thin ray of sunlight.

Without the distraction I now feel a familiar cool aura standing up on the small mountain a short distance to my right. I continue to walk forward in the direction I intend to go, but only make it a few feet before stopping with a sigh. "Are you coming?" I ask rather quietly.

A cloud of black appears out of nowhere before me and takes the shape of Thanatos, just as I knew it would. The mask intending to be frightening does not allow me to see his emotions as he tilts his head like a dog attempting to understand my words. "Are you inviting me?" He comes to stand only inches away, gazing into my eyes with literal black orbs.

"If you are willing to accompany me, then yes. You will be coming around anyway if I end up killing someone again,"

He touches my cheek with cold fingers and leans his face close to mine, but I make no attempt to move away in spite of how I am startled. "What do you suppose would happen... if you kissed death?" he asks in a surprisingly small voice.

I wonder if he believes my answer will be identical to those who fail to consider the question in its entirety. "That is for death himself to decide," I whisper in response.

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