Last Battle

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"What to you mean he's back?" Ryeowook asked. Everyone were shocked by this sudden news. "Mukadil figured out that I sent him on a wrong way. I felt him near the airport and he didn't look happy." Yariru said.

"But we're not ready." Eunhyuk said. "Yes you are. You have Heechul who taught you fight. His the best fighter among us and Hangeng is a blue eyed vampire. He can control elements of nature. You have a big chance to win Mukadil." Yariru said.

"What about others?" Eunhyuk asked. "I will take them to a safe place. It's near the council house, but they will not get between the fight." Yariru explained.

"We must practise then." Hangeng said. "Right. Because tomorrow is the day." Yariru said.

"Tomorrow!?" Eunhyuk surprised. Yariru nodded. "Eunhyuk, It's going to be alright. I know that you will beat him." Donghae smiled.

"Thanks for believing us." Eunhyuk said.

"Come on. We have to go now." Yariru said. "Are we coming too?" Donghae asked. "Not this time." Yariru said.

"Alright. Be careful." Donghae shouted when they left from the dorm.

Mukadil's P.O.V

"How dare he put me on a wrong track!?" I mumbled by myself. It's been almost 2 months and I still can taste Eunhyuk's blood. It was one of a kind. I put my headphones on and turned on the music. "They probably have somekind of plan for me." I thought. "Tsk.....They will never beat me. I'm sure of that." a simple laugh came out of me. "I can't wait when I can sank my fangs in Eunhyuk's neck." I bit my lip.

My stomack grumbled, I was starving. Last time I fed was on Gabriraris and I can't feed on humans. I can bite them, but I can't drink the blood. I don't know why, something is wrong with me. At least I don't starve to death.

I entered into a small cafe, it was very quiet in here and there were only view customers. I took off my headphones and took my seat in the dark side of a corner.

"What could I get for you?" waitress asked me with a big smile. "A cup of mint tea, please." I said. It will not fulfill my stomack, but at least it will take my thirst go away. "Anything else?" she asked me again with a smile. "No." I fake smiled back.

Waitress left and i leaned against the chair and looked up. My mind was still on Eunhyuk and his blood. I put my headphones back on. I closed my eyes.

Waitress came back with my tea and put it on the tabel. I thanked the waitress and took a sip of it. It wasn't as good as Eunhyuk's blood. 

I drank my tea empty, paid for it and went outside. Sun was burning and I was trying to hide it with my hand. 

"I should find a place where to stay for the night." I said. I remebered the council rooms. I can stay there, probably it's still a hell of a mess. 


"That's right! Good job!" Heechul approved as he saw how quickly Eunhyuk broke the robot dummy's neck. "Keep practising." he said when Eunhyuk turned the neck back to right place.

"Where did you get these dummys?" Heechul asked Yariru.

"We're vampire, our intelligence and wisdom are more powerfull, we can make these kind of stuff by ourselves. One of the ancient vampires from 16th century, was the smartest of all. He could be our ancestor. " Yariru explained.

"Really? Is he still alive?" Heechul wondered.

"Not anymore, when he did an experiment to find a solution on how to survive in the sun. The 16th century vampires weren't so evolved to survive on a sunlight. Experiment was a tragedy for him." Yariru sighed. 

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