A twisted world 2

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“Nikki!” I heard my name making my eyes fly open.

I quickly noted I was on something that was breathing… it was big… and furry. My heart began to beat quicker as I remembered I passed out in the cage.

Turning my head I saw Charles but he there was a deep growling noise and Charles stepped back holding the gun above me. Turning my head again I found the head of the wolf over me growling towards Charles.

The wolf looked down to see me awake. I was surprised to see him blow out air and just set his head on my stomach. Stiff as a board I stayed there, “Nikki, are you alright?”

I nodded slowly, “Yah… I'm fine.” I whispered scared.

Sliding from the wolf he lifted his head and I got to the cage, “Can you slide me the key?” I asked and he kicked the key over to me. Opening the door I quickly got out and shut the door behind me.

Walking past Charles I set the key on the main desk and sigh rubbing my forehead, “What happened?”

I looked up to see Charles standing in front of me looking concerned. I smiled slightly, “Well I kind of freaked out and passed out in the cage.” I told him with a small laugh.

The door opened and Charles dad walked in with a few of the other guys. I glared seeing them; they walked in and looked to the beast laying there. When the wolf saw them he jumped up snarling with his hair bristled.

“Did he change?” Charles dad asked me.

I glared looking away, “Yes, he isn't from here.” I told him through my teeth, I hated the top shooter knowing he didn't care for me.

After a moment I moved past Charles and left. I saw it was around noon; heading back I showered before getting something to eat. Jenny walked into the kitchen and smiled seeing me, “Hi sissy.”

I pat her head, “Hi, you hungry?”

She nodded and I got up making her some food. She ate happily while swinging her feet under the table.

In the moment of silence we had my mind began to drift to the stories my dad and other adults used to tell us.

They told us of this place where humans weren’t hunted by these beasts. We lived in a world of growing technology; we had cities and building that reached the skies.

Most of the stories start off with humans the main population but around the year 2020 these beasts appeared out of nowhere killing humans by the hundreds. Many humans got their families and fled. The lucky ones got to safe places like where we are right now while others were killed.

Here we are now… the year 2057. Beasts run the world from what we know, but for the last 30 years people have lived here struggling to survive.

The man… he said that where he is from that humans are slaves and that we are the biggest group of free humans he has ever encountered.

My head jerked up to the sound of shouting but this shouting was different. It was full of pain and agony. Running to the door I yanked it open only to gasp in horror.

Beasts… they were running through the gates slaughtering and attacking everyone. Slamming the door shut, “Jenny!” I yelled out running to the kitchen.

Grabbing her hand I pulled her after me upstairs, “Sissy why are people screaming?” she asked confused.

My eyes burned and I pulled her into my dad’s room. He actually made a plan incase this ever happen. Closing and locking the door I pushed the bed aside and pulled open the invisible latch. There was an underground tunnel.

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