Phone calls

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"Wake up sleeping beauty!" Raj's voice cuts through my sleep and I slowly open my eyes. He's hovering above me with a smile on his face and is dressed for the day. I blink at him a couple times trying to wake myself up.
"Oh look, it's time to get up! We have a long day ahead of us," he laughs walking away from the side of the bed. I turn on my side and yawn before waiting a couple seconds to sit up. When I sit up Raj comes back into the room and gasps.
"Kya hua?" I ask finally fully awake.
"You're awake! And you're up! It's a miracle!" He says in a fake surprised voice while walking over to the side of my bed.
"I don't like jokes," I say holding out jokes for a second while crossing my arms over my chest and glaring slightly at him. It's too early for this nonsense!
"I don't like you!" He says holding out the "you" just like I held out jokes. I break my glare and a small smile forms on my lips. He follows after me and smiles too.
"You get ready, I'll go down and wake up the other sleeping beauty," he says nudging my chin. I smile and watch him leave the room. I stretch my arms and kick the duvet off me before jumping out of the comfy bed. I walk to the bathroom and unpack my makeup so that it's ready for when I pick out my outfit. I'm so excited to finally be here on vacation! This is going to be so fun! As I finish in the bathroom I hear my phone start to ring and walk to it reading the caller id.


"Hey!" I answer happily.
"Hey, how are you?!" She responds equally as happy.
"I'm good and you?" I ask while walking over to my suitcase.
"I'm great, gosh this is trip is so cool!" She squeals excitedly.
"Really? Whatcha been doin?" I ask grabbing an outfit from my suitcase.
"Oh sightseeing and relaxing, being away from the family was so needed!" She says laughing a bit.
"Well I'm glad your having fun, we are missing you over here!" I say walking to the bed and laying out my outfit.
"I know! I wish I could've went with you guys, I'm so sorry you got stuck with my brother," she says sounding upset.
"Hey everything's cool, he's really nice and he's sleeping on the sofa bed, I have my privacy... I'll tell you if something's wrong," I say sitting next to my outfit on the bed.
"Okay good, because if he troubles you I swear he won't go down easily!" Jess says making me laugh.
"So what about your business thing?" I ask getting up from the bed.
"Oh my god the charity event!" She says sounding panicked.
"What? I thought Raj said he'd take care of it for you!" I say a bit panicked myself.
"Well yeah he said he'd go but there has to be someone to accompany him, specifically a female because they need a female representative. Do you remember that company I'm supposed to take over after college?" Jess asks.
"Haan, that big company your father is partnered with right?" I question.
"Haan that one! It's a charity event and they need a female representative to be there as a sign of both male and female workers, I was supposed to be the only one... but I can't attend!" She says panicked.
"Raj asked me to attend with him..." I say a bit hesitantly.
"Will you go?!" Jess asks with relief in her voice.
"Haan I will," I say smiling. Jessica is my best friend and I would do anything for her.
"Oh god thank you so much Sanju! I don't know how I can ever repay you!" Jess says back to her normal happy voice.
"It's no problem," I laugh.
"Okay, Raj and you will have to buy a dress, and you need to talk to Raj about business a bit and-" she says but I cut her off.
"Don't worry, we'll get everything worked out," I say.
"Okay good, I have to go Sanju, text me!" She says. I say my goodbye and she hangs up. I sigh and walk back to the bed grabbing my outfit piece by piece and bring it into the bathroom with me. I change quickly and brush my teeth and hair before applying some makeup. Just before I'm about to leave the bathroom, there's a knock on the door.
"Yes?" I ask a bit rudely.
"Are you done yet?" Raj asks from the other side and I smile.
"Haan kyun?" I ask gathering my pj's in one hand.
"Well, Leana and her boyfriend are waiting down in the lobby for us," he says in the smart tone that annoys me. I roll my eyes and reach for the handle of the door, pushing down and pulling back the door. Raj's body falls back and he lands on his back on the floor in front of me. What and idiot. I laugh and look down at him, and he smirks at me from the floor.
"You could've told me you were opening the door," he says unfolding his arms and lifting one up to me.
"You could've told me you were leaning against the door," I say giving him my free hand and helping him up. He stands in front of me rubbing his back and I feel a bit bad.
"Are you okay?" I ask hesitantly taking a step towards him.
"Haan I'm fine, we should get going," he smiles.
"Are you sure?" I ask looking down feeling bad that he fell cause of me. He sighs playfully and lifts my chin up to look at him, he has a soft smile on and his eyes are calm. I just stare for a second as he takes his hand from under my chin.
"Really, my back is fine... Jess used to do that me all the time when we would fight for the bathroom," he says making me giggle.
"Grab your bag and shoes, and we can go out," he says winking at me. I roll my eyes playfully and start to go around him, but he grabs my arms and pulls me close to him. His face just centimeters from mine, my breathing became ragged and my words got caught in my throat. He leans a bit closer to me and smiles.
"Don't forget your phone," he says staring into my eyes. We stay this way for a minute until he pulls back a bit and slowly lets go of my arm. I just nod my head and slowly go towards the bed while hugging my clothes tightly. A million thoughts run through my head as I stand in front of the bed... What just happened...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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