That Afternoon

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Hearing the sad story I hugged the scared puppy. "I know how it feels to lose a love one hurts I said,but I am here for you"the puppy started barking violently I felt like it was signaling something...I turned my small head to see a wild pack of dog zooming over looking at us like we are lunch the puppy looked me in the eye,I looked it in the eye back "I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND!I saw a tear drop down Motions furry brown face. The fox said "We need to go,NOW!"he told me to climb onto his back ,so I hoped on quickly I held on tight he started running like a vampire from twilight ,"the dogs are catching up on us!I screamed in the foxes ear"after what seemed like 4 minutes the fox stopped and fell to the ground....I jumped off. The fox said,"I need to regain my stamina,"I looked around a saw another fox rushing over the fox looked me right in the eyes...I said"Can you help him?"the fox ignored my question ,she said he is not hurt he is just tired he needs to rest." What's your name I asked?" Still no answer......

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