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I'm in bed when he calls. I know it is him, because no one else calls me this late.
I pick it up before the first ring is over, my heart thundering in my chest from waking up so abruptly.



His voice is so small.

"Yeah. It's me."

I'm wide awake now. I roll over and prop my head up on the pillows, the receiver gripped hard in my hand.
"I—" He stops.

"Is something wrong?" He sounds so different. Something's up. He's calling even later than usual and he sounds so small.

"I just ... No. Nothing."

"Tell me."

"I'm alone. And I'm just in a ... funny mood. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called so late."

"No. Please it's okay. Just talk to me. I'm awake now." I stifle a yawn.

"I miss you," he says. And it sounds cute. I can picture the way his lips are curling upward as he says it. "What are you wearing?"

I giggle.

"Oh, I love that sound," he says. "You've just made my night."

I smile, as if he will see it.

"But seriously, what are you wearing?"

"I'm not telling you that!"

"Come on, please?"

There's that voice again. That cute, flirty, appealing voice that makes me grin every time.

"Okay. A yellow tank top and plaid boxers that are at least two sizes too big. Sexy, right?" I laugh.

"Oh, that sounds hot." And then he laughs. "God, this is crazy. Two minutes of talking to you and you've completely changed my mood. I wish you could be here right now."

"Me too."

"You should come over."

"It's midnight!"


"So, there's no way I can get out of here without my mum knowing it."

He sighs. "I know. But I'm glad you answered. I'd been bumming and stressing out about stuff, and I just needed someone to talk to."

"You can call anytime. I love talking to you," I say. Is it stupid to be grinning like this? How can he make me feel this way?

"We should do something fun tomorrow."

"I have school. And cross country."

"So? Skip."

Is it wrong that I'm tempted? More tempted than I've ever been? I'm seventeen, and I've never played hooky before. Not without Mum's permission, anyway, and that hardly counts.

"I don't know ..."

"Come on. I can't sleep, so I'll plan a whole day for us. I'll surprise you."

God, I love surprises too. Especially his. They're always the best.

"Just this once, though," I say.

"Yes. Once."

"Okay. Fine. Deal. Christina will cover for me."

I can practically hear his smile.

"Awesome. Okay, I'm going to hang up and plan this." "All right."

"Thank you. For answering. For being you. For making me feel so good."

I know he means it because his voice is different. It went from lonely to happy, and I love that I did that for him.


"'Night. Sweet dreams."

"You too," I say.

And then I hang up, a smile on my face.

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