Two Worlds.

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A boy. A boy with playful, green eyes. A boy with green eyes, and hair
that looked like sand. A boy with green eyes, hair that looked like sand,
with his mother who is holding her wallet instead of his hand. A boy with
green eyes, hair that looked like sand with his mother who is holding her
wallet instead of his hand, looks around the new school. A boy with green
eyes, hair that looked like sand with a mother who is holding a form
instead of his hand, looks around the newly built , top of the line school,
and sees a girl.

A girl. A girl with troubled, brown eyes. A girl with troubled brown eyes
and long dark curls falling in her face. A girl with troubled brown eyes,
long dark curls, and her mother who is holding a liquor bottle instead of
her hand. A girl with troubled brown eyes, long dark curls, and her mother
who is holding a liquor bottle instead of her hand, stops and looks up at
the large school building. A girl with troubled brown eyes, long dark
curls, and her mother who is holding a form instead of her hand, stops and
looks up at the large school building, sees a boy.
Two worlds, two separate lives.

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