trapped | peter parker

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You laughed.

"Shut up."

This only made you laugh harder.

Peter narrowed his eyes at you, the brow above his left eye twitching in irritation. You tilted your head at him in mock innocence.

"You okay, Spidey? You seem to be a little...tied up."


"It might even be a-"

"I swear to God-"

"-sticky situation."

He rolled his eyes at you from his position on the ceiling, shifting again in his bonds. Somehow he had managed to trap himself up there, webs racing across his skin and leaving him defenseless to your ridicule, gluing him to the roof. Gravity brought his chestnut locks dangling from his head, his wrists stuck to his sides and leaving him unable to free himself.

"How did you even get there?" You rose an eyebrow. "Actually a better question: how did you get caught in your own webs?"

"That is a question to be answered for another day," he deadpanned at you. "Now would you so kindly get me down."

"I don't know..." you hummed, lip twitching upwards as you tapped the side of your chin. "I didn't hear a 'please' in that sentence."

Peter groaned.

"I'm waiting," You grinned.

"Y/N," Peter literally whined. His cheeks tinted pink as you simply put your hands on your hips before covering your mouth in a deliberate yawn.

"I'm not getting any younger over here," you mused. "In fact I think I might just head on home. There's a special on Netflix..."

Peter said something so quiet it was only a mumble.

"Hmm..?" You puckered your lips.

"....please," He muttered again. You had to restrain an unladylike snort.

"What? S-sorry, I can't hear you?" You frowned, cupping your ear.

"Please," he repeated, louder this time.

"One more?"

"I will throw you out the window."

"Alright, alright!" You chuckled, grabbing a pair of scissors from the dresser. "If only because I'm afraid of all that blood rushing to your head if you stay upside down any longer."

He puffed his cheeks out at you as you climbed up onto the table, glad the roof was low enough for you to reach.

"Okay I'm going to cut you loose on the count of three," You gave him notice. "One-"


A loud crashing noise.

"You said three!" Peter moaned frustratedly from the ground, trying to get his bearings.

"I know," you said smugly.

Peter frowned before a mischievous light sprung in his chocolate eyes, an expression you were familiar with. One that meant trouble.

"Uh, Pete-"

Before you could properly get his name out, the world was spinning and there was a smirking mutant on top you, his eyes lit with deviance and a smile promising trickery.

You squeaked and tried to push him off but found that you no longer had jurisdiction of your hands, your wrists tied together with the same bondage he had been in a few moments ago and stuck to the floor above your head.

When had he even-???

You squawked indignantly in disbelief.


His lips split in a boyish smile, revealing pearly whites.

"You seem to be in a sticky situation, Y/N," He contemplated. A flush traveled up your neck and flooded your cheeks as he smirked.

"And I don't think I'll let you go," His lips brushed your jaw as one of his knees pressed between your legs. "Until I hear you say please."

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