mirror | bill cipher

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What was today? Oh. Halloween.

Whereas you'd rather be scaring kids that came to your door and gorging on candy while watching Netflix, your friend had other plans. She'd been invited to this haunted house, a.k.a a bunch of teenagers going to a crappy attraction then most likely go and get drunk afterwards and go to an actual party.

Yeah. You didn't feel like doing that last part, if it wasn't obvious. The only reason you'd agreed was because you'd never been to an actual haunted house.

"What's the harm?" You muttered, dragging the red lipstick down the sides of your mouth to your chin in makeshift fangs. Yeah, yeah you were a vampire. Cliche, right? It was the only costume at Walmart that wouldn't make you look like you were slack - the others only covered your most important parts and otherwise disgusted you.

Along with a long black cape, a jagged red shirt, ripped jeans and some knee length boots, You had on a white mask that covered the top half of your face, the material unique so that you could see out of it but that no one could see your eyes.

It was kind of sick actually. In a good way.

"Y/N!!" She whined once more. You rolled your eyes, capping the lipgloss and putting it down.

"Coming, coming," You shouted back, running out the bathroom to meet her expectant eyes. She gasped and clapped her hands together, grinning.

"You look amazing!" She danced around, grinning cheekily. You rolled your eyes again but smiled a bit.

"You don't look too bad yourself," You glanced over her Tinkerbell costume. Way too flashy for your liking, but she still looked beautiful. It suited her.

"Damn right," She scoffed, hooking her arm with yours at the elbow. "Now let's go show the city who's ready to rock."

"You mean the boys," You responded, teasing. Your friend could get quite boy crazy.

She chuckled nervously, scratching her cheek. "Same thing, right?"


"Woah," Sally breathed, looking up at the large establishment in front you. Beside her were about ten other teens in your little group. They were all from your school as you vaguely noticed the faces, but otherwise you didn't think you'd ever even talked to one of them before. A couple of them were staring with the same awe, one looked completely bored out of their mind, and two were locked into an intense make out session, with no regards for PDA. You shivered, disgusted, and pointedly glanced away.

The house itself indeed did look, haunted, you thought. Large intimidating structures lit up in silver, courtesy of the moon, and covered in shadows. Contorted faces of monsters greeted you as you all walked up the pathway. There was a long line to go in and you sighed just as everyone groaned.

"This is gonna take forever..." One of your groupies mumbled. Well the universe must have heard the complaint because as soon as the words left his lips, a shout was heard.

"Is there a group containing more than ten people?" One of the guides shouted over the crowd. "We're taking in the large groups first!" 

Immediately your group started calling out, jumping and making noise. A minute later you found yourself walking into the entrance.

"Ooh...I'm so ready for this!" Sally fidgeted. You huffed. You were a bit excited too, but you wished you could have spent this with only her or more of your close friends.

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