nature | legolas

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You mumbled some not so nice words at the thin, overhanging tree branch, swatting it from your face.

You continued walking only to nearly trip over a root in your way.


You jumped back, coincidentally right into a web and sighed angrily, shaking and trying to dislodge the silky, sticky entrails from your hair. When you looked up again a certain elf was observing you.

"What?" you said. Before you could say anything else you nearly jumped out of your skin in fright when you realized a vine was wrapped around your arm.

"Nothing," Legolas replied. His blank expression did not change but there was a certain twinkle in his eyes that betrayed his thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah, ha ha," You muttered, untangling yourself. "It is not my fault that nature hates me."

"Nature does not hate you," Legolas said, maneuvering his way through the forest as you struggled to keep up with his long strides. "You merely do not know how to properly co-exist with it. This is why it battles you."

"So you're telling me it is purposely messing with me?" You narrowed your eyes. Legolas sighed.

"You need to learn how to be one with your surroundings."

"Well then teach me, oh so wise one," You drawled, not having his mojo jojo.

Legolas glanced back at you. "First of all, attacking everything in sight will not help."

You looked at your hand that had pieces of torn leaves that you'd ripped when you pushed the vine away from you and dropped them onto the ground sheepishly.

"Secondly, please do not frighten off the wildlife. They can hear you coming a mile away, what with your footsteps."

"What's wrong with my footsteps?" You asked indignantly.

The corner of his lip tugged up slightly. "You sound as if you are a herd of stags stamping through."

You gaped at him, appalled at the insult. "Excuse me?" Legolas himself seemed to not make a blip of noise as he walked, almost as if he were gliding along the ground. Well it wasn't your fault you were not a mystical elf now was it?

"You are excused," He hummed. "Lesson number three, you need to listen to nature."

Yeah ok.


"I'm serious."

"Yeah right."

At that he stopped entirely, and you almost ran right into his back. You spluttered, trying to balance yourself.

"Don't just stop-"

He turned around so that he was looking at you and smiled. "Sit."

You opened your mouth to argue but his smile intensified threateningly and you found yourself sitting.

Legolas folded his legs in and you replicated the action, growing suspicious when he placed his hands lightly on his knees. His bow and pack of arrows stayed in their position strung over his back, showing you just how ready he was at all times for a battle.

"Close your eyes," He said.

"Don't we have more important things to do-"

"This is important. Now close your eyes."

You wanted to say that your appointment and reason for this journey was more important but you kept your lips shut. The world shut off to darkness as you closed your eyelids.

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