Arc One - Tortured - Chapter 1

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A truck pulled up to a little wooden cabin not far into the forest. It was just east of the small town Forks in Washington state, just west of the Olympic National Park. It was quiet and serene there in the woods safe for the cackling of a river nearby and the tweeting of birds in the early fall morning. Of course the truck broke the serene look of the cozy little cabin and its nature sounds all around. Chatting soon joined the noises and it all blended into a perfect harmony of a casual Saturday.

"Thank you so much again for helping me out." A girl jumped out of the truck as the driver did the same from the other side. The (h/c) haired girl was none other than the properties new owner, (Y/N) (L/N).

"It's no problem at all." The middle-aged driver responded with a toothy grin as he walked to the back of the truck. "It's not every day we get new people in town."

(Y/N) let out a giggle. "You can hardly call me that, living so far out and all."

"Close enough for me." The man shrugged as he started lowering the trucks back cover. "We're a small town so we take what we can get."

"Nothing wrong with being small." (Y/N) noted as she hopped onto the truck and started unloading the few boxes and suitcases that were there.

"Suppose not. Say, where did you move from anyhow?" He cocked an eyebrow at her as he took a particularly heavy suitcase from her.

"Oh, not far." The girl shrugged off, trying to sound casual. "I lived in Seattle for a few months and before that I was kind of just a stray, wandering the state. Nothing too interesting really." She sent him an apologetic smile.

"That's fair. Hehe, not everyone can have an interesting story with them. Especially not such a young one as yourself." The girl smiled but in her mind couldn't help but laugh a bit at his words. If only he knew.

The two continued loading off the truck but not much was there so it was quickly done. The only one left was the transporter for a furry feline who seemed very unhappy about his current situation. (Y/N) picked up the box and looked inside to see blue-green eyes glaring back at her as scarred ears layed flat against a cats head. The girl smirked before hopping down from the truck and setting the cat aside.

"Old, that one." The driver gestured towards her cat as it stuck its head out a bit from the box.

"Yeah, Grimm has been with me for quite some time." (Y/N) explained as she affectionately stroked the box.

"Grimm, huh?" The man eyed the cat as it stared evilly back. "That seems about right." He let out a small chuckle before he picked up a box. "We'd better get these inside. They say it may rain today so you chose an unfortunate day to move in."

"I'm not known for my luck so it's really not that surprising." (Y/N) mumbled as she unlocked the door with her new key.

"Not winning the lottery any time soon then?" The man questioned with amusement playing in his eyes. (Y/N) quickly shook her head. "Too bad. Wouldn't be too shabby to know a millionaire."

"That we can agree on." (Y/N) said with a sigh as she stared down at Grimm.

His bushy tail bumped testily against the box making a loud thumping sound every time. She had to buy an extra large transporter for the dumb cat since it was so damn huge. It was the size of medium sized dogs. Of course it was a Maine Coon but when (Y/N) first met him she had no idea how impossibly heavy and annoying moving him around would be.

"How about this," The driver piped up, snapping (Y/N) out of her thoughts. She looked back up at him with an absent look on her face but enough curiosity to not seem rude. "Once we get all your things inside you hop back into the truck with me and I'll drive us home to my place and eat some lunch. The wife is home today and I imagine you'd probably like someone to-"

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