Chapter 2

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(Y/N) soared over the city of Seattle on a cold winter morning. It was the start of December so (Y/N) had dressed warmly for her trip. Back and forth on a broom, it was about two hours if you were fast. But at the pace (Y/N) was flying in it had taken her about three hours. She wasn't in a rush though. The school was out for today and she had gone out early in the morning, ready to tackle the big city. Emmett had offered to come with her, of course, but she refused. Then he asked to at least drive her there but she would rather travel on her own.

It gave her some alone time that she hadn't had for a while. With school, she was with people every day, whether in groups or not, and on weekends her and Emmett usually did something together. Usually, it was just hanging out either at his house or her own but they tried to do a date night at least every other week. So, she didn't really get to be alone like this. It was refreshing.

Instead of the small talk, she'd do in a car with Emmett she listened to the radio. She had a handheld one strapped to the front of her broom and it played gentle tunes from various radio stations. She had also brought a few snacks for the road. Honestly, you'd think flying a broom without hands would be hard but it was pretty easy once you knew how to. She could nibble on her snacks and drink her drinks all she wanted. She had also made sure to bring some warm drinks in case the weather would shift.

Soon enough (Y/N) spotted the alley she was landing in. She was going to a library that normal people would find dodgy and weird. Honestly, it didn't really try to hide it was a witch library but most people just stayed away. It was a big gathering place for witches though, so (Y/N) had to be careful. She turned off her radio and softly landed on the surprisingly clean ground in between two big buildings.

It wasn't a typical alleyway you'd see in movies. There was little trash and what was there was neatly piled in a corner to make it look more appetizing to potential costumers. A sign called visitors down the alley to the library but witches usually saw the one from above first. On the roof, there was a faint magic circle that was enchanted to lure witches in with the promise of books. It was rather clever, actually.

(Y/N) unhooked her bag from the broom and tugged it into a corner dedicated for the storage of witch transportation. There were a few others there that (Y/N) spotted but there was most likely more that had been charmed to be undetected. In fact, she made her the same way, muttering a quick spell under her breath before slinging her bag over her shoulder.

The girl moved to the door and opened it without hesitation. She had seen the alley often when she lived just nearby and even seen witches enter but had never been in there. Or in a witch library in general. She had no idea how it worked, to be honest. She only knew the outside of it. Gloomy, dark, and kind of offputting. What you'd expect of a library filled with magics unknown to many. Still, she had to look like she had done this before as to not raise suspicion.

But on the inside it was surprising. Sure, it still had the heavy atmosphere but it looked like any normal library. A reception desk stood just in front of the door in the very tiny lobby and two doors on each side of the room stood open, giving into big rooms that were filled with bookshelves. It was normal.

(Y/N) walked up to the reception desk and dinged the little bell that almost looked like a hotel bell. She smiled at the sound as a delightful noise rang from it. A few seconds after a man appeared from behind the desk, a door (Y/N) had previously overlooked. Glamour? (Y/N) asked herself in her head. It was possible but it could also be very possible that she was just unattentive.

The man was in his twenties to mid-twenties though looked a little worse for wear. His hair was in disarray and his eyes were sunken in and drooped like all the weight in the world sat on his eyelids. He was pale beyond what was healthy and he was lanky to the brink of being malnourished. His fingers were long and slender and adorned with a multitude of rings. That part wasn't uncommon for a wealthy witch. The rings would usually be enchanted with a kind of glamour to make them look better but either his were faulty or not enchanted.

Lamia Lucia (Emmett Cullen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now