Chapter 6

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The weeks went by and the late rays of the September sun shone through the English classroom on a Thursday afternoon. (Y/N) was busy taking notes as Emmett was pretending to do the same. She had long since seen through his act. He only pretended to be interested in what they were learning. She was surprised he was even still taking the class but when she asked him about it he just winked at her and said nothing.

But for (Y/N) it was different. She wanted to take this class for her Grimoire. She had to improve on her language so it didn't look like a third grader wrote a witches spell book. So she diligently scrawled down all useful information. The rest of the class weren't as enthusiastic. A few were taking notes other than her but it was few and far between. No, instead they were either dozing off or playing with their pencils. Mr. Berty tried his best to keep them in order but nobody had any respect for him.

The girl sighed. It was pretty boring though. Their teacher wasn't the most vocal or interesting story teller in the world. Neither was he very charismatic. But at least they were learning. (Y/N) rubbed her head a bit, letting out the quitest groan she could. She could see Emmett look up from his papers briefly but he didn't say anything.

This was almost making her sick how boring it was. She sat up straight, trying to straighten out as she felt a bit of nausea hit her. She had probably been hunched over for too long. The girl twisted a bit in her seat before getting back to writing. It wasn't long before she had to stop though as the nausea kept getting worse. It wasn't an immediate effect but she did feel it gradually take form. She frowned a bit and rubbed her face again.

She had been drinking plenty of water that day and eaten a healthy amount so it couldn't be that. She was trying to stretch too but that had no effect at all. It usually helped though. The girl cursed under her breath which once again caught the attention of Emmett. He leaned closer when Mr. Berty was turned away.

"You okay?" He whispered, (Y/N) barely able to hear him. She nodded tiredly.

"Yeah, just a bit nauseous is all." She whispered back. Emmett frowned a bit and looked at her worriedly. She smiled. "Don't worry. It's not that bad. I think I just need to get out of here soon."

"Class is over soon." Emmett gestured up to the clock. "Hang in there." He reached out and squeezed her hand quickly before going back to pretending to take notes.

(Y/N) layed down her pencil, knowing she wouldn't be able to take notes like this. Instead she tried to listen as best as possible. It didn't help that everything seemed to slowly be drowned out as if she was under water. She started getting more and more dizzy and her eyelids closed more and more. Her head bobbed back and forth as she tried to keep herself upright. She went into a panick, gripping at the table. She could tell with what little of her blurry vision was left that people were beginning to stare.

"(Y/N)?" Emmett called, sounding like a distant call from a far away place. The rest of what he said was muffled as (Y/N) slowly tipped forward, barely hitting the table with her head.

"Emmett." (Y/N) mumbled, even her own voice drowned out. The echoes in the back of her throat hurt her ears and she cringed. "I-" She was almost out of breath. "I need to get out... home."

This wasn't normal. It really wasn't. She could barely even feel her knuckles turning white as they gripped the table harder to stay up. Or the arms that wrapped around her for the same purpose. The talking in the background became nothing more than sounds that meant nothing. For what felt like forever there were two voices speaking. She assumed it was Emmett and Mr. Berty. Soon enough (Y/N) was lifted up and her grip on the table fell limp. Her hands were slowly regaining color but through (Y/N)s litted eyes she saw nothing but colors. No shapes. Just colors and movement.

Lamia Lucia (Emmett Cullen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now