Chapter 2

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(Y/N) awoke the next day just as the sun had shown itself fully on the sky. Grimm stirred next to her and purred contently, wiggling in her arms that he had somehow found himself in at some point in the night. (Y/N) let out a small yawn as she slowly rose from her place on the couch, looking around with a smile. The boxes were where she had left them, the fireplace had died out, Grimm was still half asleep, and the sword...

(Y/N) looked away and down to Grimm again, stroking his grey and dark brown fur gently. He peeked an eye open and looked up at her before closing it again. For a while the girl just sat there listening to the silence. Still no birds but that was to be expected. (Y/N) slowly lifted her legs out over the couch. Her body was stiff and worn after a long days work and also from sleeping on something that isn't exactly meant for sleeping on. (Y/N) stretched, hearing a few bones pop and crack into place.

"Grimmie dear." (Y/N) called tiredly as she picked up the cat who looked none too happy about it. "Gooood morning. Time to get going for the day." She said with a small chuckle as he put his paw on her nose. "No no no little buddy. You can't skip out. We have a lot to do. Go eat now. I'll take a bath and be out soon enough."

Grimm mewed and jumped from (Y/N)s arms, slinking into the kitchen where his food and water bowl was. (Y/N) followed after him, picking up the lemon water she had made the day before. She hauled the pot out into the bathroom and slowly started to draw herself a nice warm bath. While the water poured in she got herself a new outfit, this one a bit more practical. Yesterday (Y/N) hadn't expected to arrive so soon. She had expected to stay at a motel or something in Forks until she could find someone willing to drive her and her things to her home. But that nice man offered so that was quickly dealt with.

Instead of a flowing dress (Y/N) picked out a semi-loose top with long arms and a pair of jeans that fit her figure perfectly. She wasn't used to wearing this kind of clothes since she always wore dresses or shirts that blew in the wind. It made her feel more intune nature. But it was a sacrifice she had to make. Besides it was only for a single day.

Once there was a good amount of water in the bath, (Y/N) took a cup from one of her boxes and dipped it into the lemon water. She slowly poured three cups into the bubbly bath water before getting in herself. A sigh of relief left (Y/N) as she immediately felt all her muscles relax. For a few minute she just sat there, unwinding and calming down her body but soon enough started washing off.

Once her bath was done and the tub was emptied she quickly got dried, dressed, and freshened up. Then, it was back to work. It was still a little too early to go grocery shopping so she instead decided to fix her bedroom up. Changing the sheets, pillow and duvet cover to her own she stored the old in the attic along with the furniture sheets. Once she had changed everything she made it ready for the next night. Then she started unpacking her clothes and arranging them in the walk-in closet attached to her bedroom.

Her robes and other ritual clothing went in a section for itself and her socks and underwear went into the drawers down by her feet. The two extra pairs of shoes she had she put in there as well under the hanging racks where she put her numerous dresses. Above all of that, on the shelves, she put her pants, leggings, and other leg wear she inevitably owned. Jewelry and amulets came to hang off a small hanger on the door so it wouldn't be tangled and things like rings and earrings and small things like that came in a little box of its own on top of one of the shelves. Her winter wear got a drawer of its own so it was ready when it got colder.

Soon (Y/N) felt her stomach rumble and she paused her sorting and cleaning for now to go eat one of the pizzas she still had left. The last one she'd save for a rainy day when she had no intention of cooking or going out to buy food. After breakfeast she decided to finish the last of the clothes sorting and then go shopping as it was around half past nine now.

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