Chapter 4

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A spin in the pot and a twist of her wrist and the contents of her pot was sent swirling. She sprinkled ingredients in one at a time, each with their own little flourish. A flick of the wrist, a turn of the hand, a shaking of the spices and herbs. Following traditions and all. Yes, this was going great! The girl grinned as she grabbed her spoon, stirring further. This was going to be some delicious sauce for her pasta! And almost finished too. Oh, how (Y/N) loved to cook!

As she poured the sauce over her already finished pasta she hummed a little tune. Grimm purred from the floor as if humming along and weaved in and out of (Y/N)s legs. She quickly got a heaping portion of her dinner onto her plate and bounced into her living room to eat her newest creation. Grimm jumped up on the couch next to her, laying down as (Y/N) turned on the TV and dug in. She hummed as the taste hit her tongue. Her best to date!

As she ate there suddenly sounded a noise from the table next to her. She looked up to see her phone vibrating and lighting up with a text out on the front. (Y/N) immediately frowned, knowing who it was. It was the only person who even had her number. Emmett. He had gotten her number on her second day of school somehow. The girl wasn't even sure how. All she knew was that he texted her at least twice a day. Once in the morning with a message, wishing her a good day despite the fact they would see each other later that day and one later on in the afternoon just to talk. (Y/N) tried to ignore them on the first day but when more and more came in it became apparent what Emmetts goal was. To tease (Y/N) to the point where she'd give in and just talk with him. She put her plate down and in turn picked up her phone, opening the text to see what he wanted now.

Don't forget tomorrow ;P - Emmett

That was all it said. A reminder of (Y/N)s invitation that she had accepted as politely as she could. She quickly texted a response back before getting back to her food. Her eyes slowly moved towards the corner of the table though where a small wrapped package layed. A gift for the owners of the household she'd be visiting. A book she had went to Seattle to buy just a few days prior. It was a book about simple witchcraft that she had managed to buy in a specialized shop. Since Carlisle seemed interested to talk about her culture she thought it an appropriate gift.

It was wrapped in a simple gift paper. Nothing too extravagant. After all it wasn't a holiday gift or anything. Just a simple polite gesture... though she had to admit she had gone all out when searching for it. She had tried a few normal bookstores first but all she could find were fantasy spell books. Nothing pertaining to actual witchcraft. So instead she had sought out the book store she had used when living in Seattle. Albeit only one use but it was enough for her to know it was quite good.

A wide selection with factual information. And the owner hadn't even questioned who she was when she came in. A relief to say the least. But in short (Y/N) had gotten a gift for Carlisle. A small gesture as thanks for inviting her. Even if it was to satiate his own curiosity (Y/N) would get a kick out of learning a bit more about vampires as well. She was quite excited actually. (Y/N) averted her eyes again, turning back to her food and the TV playing in front of her.

Once finished she cleaned up and later that night went to bed with thoughts swirling in her head of all the things she'd want to ask the leader of her local vampire coven. It was a bit hard to sleep because of it but after a few hours of staring into the dark of her room she finally found herself drifting off.

The next day she went to school like the other days. This was the last day of her first week so it was almost as exciting as her first! The first class went fine and so did the second despite one of the Cullens being there. Despite it being the one (Y/N) probably had the hardest time dealing with. That whole mind reading deal kind of freaked her out and she felt a bit bad for it. He hadn't done anything wrong. She understood well enough that he couldn't really stop. The girl made that clear in her thoughts and he seemed to understand as well.

Lamia Lucia (Emmett Cullen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now