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"Mae...honey it'll be okay..." I stared down at my little brother, he was limp and feeble. Tears were running down the sides of my face, I couldn't take it anymore, it was all happening to fast. I took a seat next to his hospital bed and cupped my face in my hands.

"Please lord...just let him stay a bit longer..." I prayed, Jakob had brain cancer, and the doctors said he'd only live a few years. But they said that only weeks ago, now he's in the state of almost leaveing the whole family.

"I'm so sorry, Mae..." my dad said from behind me, he placed a hand on my shoulder and sighed deeply. "It was going to happen someday..." I wasnt going to argue with him this time, I didn't even want him to be here, my dad was the only one in the family who wasn't sad about Jakob....the only one who didn't care. More tears flowed from my eyes.

"Mae, you need to be strong sweetie. You need to be ready to let him go..." my mom said in a hushed voice.

"I'm not ready...I'm not ready to let my best friend go...not yet." I croaked, I was still looking at my brother who had turned his head to face me.

"Mae..." he whispered, he reached for my hand and I took it. "I'll be okay...don't worry about me..." Jakob gave me a weak smile. I smiled through a face full of sadness and tears.

"I don't want to lose you, bud." I wimpered, Jakob smiled at me and started to speak again.

"I'm fifteen, Mae...I'll be fine." Jakob assured, I shook my head and let out a muffled cry.

"It's to young!" I cryed, tears rained harder from my eyes as I looked at Jakob. He smiled again and his breathing grew harder.

"We're all to young when we die..." his hand fell from my own and to the side of the bed, the room seemed to be spinning the way I was looking at it, nurses and doctors were crowding around Jakob as my mom pulled me from the room, I was struggleing to get back to Jakob. My mom swirled me around to face her.

"Mae..." she cooed, her hands were on my cheeks and her thumbs wiped away some of my tears. "It's okay sweetie..." she pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back.

"I didn't want him to go..." I whispered into her shoulder, she nodded and stroked my hair.

"I didn't either sweetheart." she whispered back, she was acting so calm with this...I don't know how she does it, but it's really comforting.

"Dad's still back there, isn't he?" I asked pulling away from my mother. She nodded and sighed. "He wanted to see Jakob die, mom. I heard him saying that to one of his friends...." I croaked, mom's face fell into a frown.

"I know, he told me yesterday..."

"This is why you're leaveing him isn't it? Because of Jakob?" I asked quickly, she nodded and weakly smiled.

"I'm only doing it for you and Jakob, dear. Not for anything else." she pulled my back into a tight hug, tears started filling up my eyes again.

"I'm gunna miss my little buddy..." I whispered, mom nodded and her eyes flickered to the room that Jakob was in.

"I'll miss him too."


"Oh Mae! I'm so so so sorry, I really am!" I was sitting at my school desk next to my friend Angie.

"Thanks for careing Ang, it means alot." I mumbled, Angie sat on the top of my desk and gave me a warm smile.

"Look, while you were gone yesterday...Ace wanted to see you." Angie said blandly, I raised an eyebrow.

"Why? What does he want?" I asked, Angie shrugged.

"I don't know! You're his girlfriend, you should ask him yourself." Angie pulled out her phone and dazed off, I slid out of my desk and rushed out of the classroom to find Ace, I found him in his usual spot in the morning, by the vending machine.

"Oh, hey Mae." he seemed a bit flustered this morning,

"You sumonded me?" I said in a genie like voice, Ace laughed.

"I love your humor Mae. That's what I'm gonna miss about you..." Ace mumbled,

"I'm sorry, what?" I snapped, Ace ran his fingers through his hair and smirked.

"Look Mae, I love ya and all. But, I don't think this is working..." Ace was still smirking, 

"I'm sorry, are you breaking up with me?" I asked tartly, Ace nodded.

"Look Mae. I'm sorry." Ace's smirk vanished from his face. I could feel my face getting warm.

"No, you're not sorry. You don't care about what I went through, you just care about your stupid rich family, that's all!" I cryed, Ace held up his hands in surrender.

"Mae, just calm down."

"How can I calm down? I screwed this all up!"

"It's not your fault-"

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE ACE!" after I said those final words I stormed off in the oppisite direction, away from Ace. I stormed out of school and up to my car, I opened the door and slammed it behind me when I got in. I felt my phone vibrate in my jeans, I took it out and I looked down at it. Angie was calling me.

"What?" I snapped, 

"Jeez, chill girl. What happened, you never came back." I was holding back tears now.

"Ace broke up with me..." I mumbled into the phone, I heard Angie gasp on the other end.

"Oh, a-my god! He did not just do dat to my bestfriend." she sounded like she was about to explode.

"Angie, don't get any ideas..."

"But he hurt you!"

"'s okay, I'm fine." I mumbled, Angie sighed.

"Well, seya later chicka." I heard the other end go silent and the call ended. I put my phone back in my pocket and started up my car, I just wanted to get out this place for a while, I'll just go home and calm down for a while...I thought,

"Yeah, I'll just go home and chill." I said aloud to myself, I pulled out of the school parking lot and drove off to my apartment.


I opened my apartment door to see my mom. She looked over to me and smiled,

"You're home early, hon. What's up?" she said in a calm voice, I shrugged and sat on the kitchen counter next to where she was cutting some carrots.

"Just wanted to head home early, that's all." I lied, I didn't want to tell her about Ace, not yet at least. She stopped cutting and looked to me with worried and tired eyes.

"Honey, you're not telling me something. I'm your mom, you can tell me anything..." she said quietly, I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Ace broke up with me." I mumbled quickly, mom's smile vanished from her face.

"Oh sweetie..." she pulled me into an awkward hug and I hugged back, "It'll be okay, hon. He never really did care about your problems that much...." she mumbled, I nodded and wiped away a few tears.

"I'm just going to head to my room....and maybe chill..." I squeaked, mom nodded and let me jump off the counter and slowly trudge to my room. I opened the door to my small room and smiled to myself, I went and sat at my computer and placed on my headphones. There's no place like YouTube...I thought, I went into my own channel wich was for just making playlists and stuff. I looked at my channel recomendations to find a new channel recomended to me, I read the name and raised an eyebrow.

"CrankGameplays? Huh..." I clicked the channel and clicked the most recent video.

The Static Speaks My Name

"What is up my cranky crew? It's Ethan from CrankGameplays and today we are going to play..." the video went on and on, but when his game crashed, I was about to turn off my computer but he started to send out a message. I listened very closely to it and burst into tears after the video ended. Oh my god...who is this kid? I thought, I wiped away my tears and ran my fingers through my hair.


Weeks past...I haven't missed one of Ethan's updates, or any chance to hear his calming voice. But it was all about to change...

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