Chapter 14

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Mae's POV

_Three Months Later_

"Do you have everything?" Ethan asked franticly, I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Ethan, I packed everything last night I'll be fine. You don't need to worry about me." I ruffled his blue hair and smiled, "It's only for a few weeks, and it isn't like I'm gunna die there." I joked, Ethan's face turned to a worried expression.

"I know, I know. But I wish I could go with you..." he mumbled, I pulled him into a hug and smiled.

"I'll be okay. Don't worry." I whispered, I kissed his cheek and grabbed my things.

"I'll drive you to the airport then." I smiled and mouthed 'thank you' to him.

Ethan's POV

Mae piled her things into the car and hugged everyone goodbye, I walked over to the car with the keys.

"It's only for a few weeks guys, I'll come back. You guys are my family..." Mae said, I smiled and climbed into the car. I caught a glimps of Mae ruffling Mark's hair and giving Amy another hug. I started up the engine and smiled as Mae got into the passengers seat.

"You ready?" I asked, Mae nodded and put her feet up on the dashboard.

"Yes, yes I am."


I pulled Mae into a long silent hug and kissed her head. Mae hugged back and smiled.

"Take lots of pictures? I wanna see how you're doing up there." I asked, Mae nodded and hugged me again.

"Promise. I'll see you in a few weeks, love." Mae's lips met mine and she let for the gate.

"Bye Maeflower!" I called after her, Mae turned her head and she smiled.

"Love you blueberry!" she shouted, I smiled and turned to walk back to the parkinglot. I climbed into my car and started up the engine, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and quickly texted Mae.

Me: hey Mae.

Maeflower🌺: miss me already?

Me: maybe a little.

Maeflower🌺: we're about to take off. Call u when I land.

Me: ok.

I slid my phone backin my pocket and pulled out of the parkinglot. I drove back to Mark's house and pulled into his driveway. I climbed out of my car and walked into the house.

"Hey Eth. She on the plane now?" Mark asked me once I entered the living room I nodded.

"She just took off a few minutes ago." I replied, Mark smiled and nodded.

"My messages are spamed by Jack. He's siked to see Mae again. He won't shut up about it!" Mark laughed, I let a small chuckle escape my lips and I looked down to my phone.

12:37 am

I sighed and sat down on the couch, I felt my phone buzz and I looked down at it to see Mae's number had popped up on the screen. I swiped the answer button and held it up to my ear.

"Hello from Ireland!" I heard Mae giggled, I smiled to myself and laughed.

"Hello from 'merica." I replied, 

"Miss me yet?" Mae asked, I thought about it for a moment.

"Kind of."

"What do you mean 'kind of'?"

"Just kidding. I miss you." I laughed, I heard Mae sigh on the other end.

"Okay, good." she mumbled, I heard shuffling in the background and faint voices. "You wanna say to Jack, Eth?" Mae asked, I smiled and replied quickly.

"Sure." I yawned, I rubbed my eyes and sat down at the table. I rested my head and my hands and closed my eyes.

"TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIE!" I jumped and fell out of my chair, I rubbed my skull and climbed back into the chair.

"Jesus Jack...what the hell..." I mumbled, I could hear Jack laughing.

"Sorry, I had to." he laughed, I rolled my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Hows it going Jack?" I asked quietly, I knew Mark had gone to bed so I didn't want to wake him up.

"Ah, same old same old. Wake up, eat, record, and then record some more. You know, all that good stuff." Jack said, I rubbed my eyes and yawned again.

"How's Mae holding up?" I asked quietly, Jack didn't reply right away.

"She looks like she's about the crash...there was a bunch of guys hitting on her when she walked out of the airport..." Jack voice trailed off, I sat up straight and my eyes widend.

"Dangit! I knew I should've come with her!" I yelled, I heard Jack burst into laughter.

"I'm just jokin with ya mate. They all saw me and backed off. No crazy bloke is getting near Mae with me around." he chuckled, I bit my lip.

"That's what I worried about..." I whispered, 


"Nothing. I'm gunna call it a night..." I yawned again, Jack hummed his response and the other end went silent.

"Night Eth." I heard Mae's voice whispered, I smiled and stood up out of the chair.

"G'night Maeflower. Call me tomorrow?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

[okay...I know, it's short. But be happy you got a chapter even!]

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