Chapter 28

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(Wedding Dress...I LOVE THE DRESS I PICKED OUT!!!!)

Mae's POV

I brushed my blond hair out of my eyes and twirled around in my dress. It hugged my curves and I smiled to myself.

"Yo Mae. You need any help?" I whirled around to see my best friend Angie standing in the doorway, I shrugged and she made her was over to me. Angie wore a short, neon blue dress with a bright blue flower behind her ear.

"Mae, did you even think of putting on makeup?" Angie giggled, I blushed and Angie started to apply makeup. I smiled softly when she stopped and hugged me.

"You look so beautiful Mae. Ethan is one lucky guy to have found you." Angie whispered, I gave her a hug and smiled once again. Angie pulled away and placed a blue flower behind my ear.

"Are you ready?" she asked, I nodded.

"Ready as I'll ever be."


Angie and I walked out into the main area and I smiled as I stood in front of the double doors, Angie hugged me one last time and disappeared behind the two door in front of me with Ethan's older brother. I took a deep silent breath as the two doors in front of me opened wide, I took the first step and my eyes darted up to the front of the room. There stood the tall, blue hair'd boy I had fallen in love with when I was only nineteen, now he stood even taller and he looked more like the man I was about to marry. I took my spot next to him and Angie took my flowers and sat down, I felt Ethan take my hands and we both smiled.

(skipin all the vows and stuff...cuz I'm lazy!)

"Do you, Maelane Lauren Parker, take Ethan Mark Nestor-Darling to have and to hold, through sickness and through health until death do you part?" the pastor asked,

"I do." I whispered, Ethan's hazel eyes were soon fixed with my own eyes.

"And do you, Ethan Mark Nestor-Darling, take Maelane Lauren Parker to have and to hold, through sickness and through heath, until death do you part?" she asked Ethan, a small breath hitched in my throut.

"I do." the breath released and I didn't need to hear what the pastor would say next because I kissed Ethan and I smiled for the rest of the night. Knowing that I was no longer a "Parker" but a "Nestor-Darling" instead.


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