Chapter 24

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October 24

Ethan's POV

I slipped on my favorite hoodie and walked out of my bedroom. I felt someone throw their arms around me.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ETAN!" I winced and looked to see Mark and Tyler hugging me. I wriggled out of their grips and walked over to the door.

"Where are you going Ethan?" Tyler asked, I shrugged and grabbed my car keys.

"The Ellen Show." I muttered, Mark's eyes widened and he pulled out his phone.
He quickly typed something into his phone and then he shoved it back in his pocket. He smiled.

"Okay have fun!" Mark chuckled, I rolled my eyes and walked out the door.


I was shaking. My entire body almost frozen and shaking at the same time, I could hear Ellen talking from onstage. I twisted my skin on my wrists until the seared with pain. I bit my lip and started to try and think of other things. Like how people would actually know who I am after this and how I could talk about the charity Mark started a few weeks ago. I froze in my spot.

"Now our next guest is from the state of California and is a popular Youtuber in the area. Please welcome Ethan Nestor!" I pushed myself to go forward onto the stage and I faked a smile and waved. Ellen gave me a hug and I returned one. We both sat down in the white chairs and I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Hi." Ellen started, I smiled and shrugged my shoulders a little.

"Hello." I replied,

"So I how are you Ethan?" she asked, I wiggled around in my seat.

"I surprising better than I was yesterday." I stated, Ellen cocked her head and raised an eyebrow.

"I don't want to pry into your personal life, but why?" Ellen asked, I bit my lip.

"It's just something I wanna keep to myself." I whispered, Ellen nodded and smiled.

"So I hear you started a charity a little while ago. Can you tell us a bit about it." Ellen motioned a hand to me and I nodded.

"Of course. So Prayers for Mae is  an organization where we donate to families who have been in extreme car accidents or have lost someone to a car accident. We are trying to help those who need to either get their hospital bills paid or their car payments. Our goal is to get as many people helped as possible because I, or we, don't want them to end up in more bad situations than they already are in." I nodded and smiled, Ellen nodded as well.

"Why is it called Prayers for Mae, might I ask?" she asked, I took a shallow breath.

"We named it after my girlfriend Mar after she was in a terrible car accident, everyone she new and loved went into this really bad state of depression and we didn't want that to happen to anybody else in the area or world." I took a shakey breath and blinked back tears.

"She was special to you, Mae was, wasn't she?" Ellen questioned, I nodded.

"She was someone who brightened up my day every time I woke up." I chocked on my own words, Ellen reached out her hand and she took mine.

"Let's leave things on a happy note. Isn't it your twenty-first birthday today?" Ellen smiled, I nodded and he let go of my hand.

"I hope you don't mind but I got you two small presents." Ellen stood up and held out her arms. "So our friends from Shutterfly want to donate twenty-five thousand dollars to the Prayers for Mae charity." And with those word she took a check from a backstage member and took out a black sharpie and signed it. I covered my mouth with my hands and smiled.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much." I hugged her and tears streamed from my eyes lightly. I wiped them away and smiled widely.

"And another thing." Ellen waved her hand and someone wheeled a giant white box with a bright blue ribbon onto the stage. I looked from Ellen to the box and back to Ellen.

"That's "small" to you?" I chuckled, Ellen nodded and pushed me lightly towards the box.

"Open it. It was very hard to find something like that." She insisted, I tensed up as I walked up to the big box. I reached out my arm and the retracted it.

"I'm scared to open it..." I laughed nervously, Ellen smiled and nodded her head to the box again.

"It's not going to bite Ethan." She stated, I smiled and removed the blue ribbon and wrapped it around my head. I began to slowly remove the topic the box and I the threw it to ground.

"RAWR!" I jumped back and clutched the collar of my hoodie.

"Oh my Jesus Christ!" I took shallow breaths and heard everyone laughing, the surrounding area became a blur. The laughter turned to only muffles except for one. I slowly turned my head to the box and saw a person Freddy Fazzbear suit, the person slowly pulled off the mask and gave me a smile.

"Happy birthday baby." Her voice was like soft wind pressing against my cheeks, her silvery blonde hair was now cut short to just above her shoulders and curled, and her bright green eyes were soft and welcoming. The blue streaks were now gone and her skin was still the perfect pale peach, she smiled, showing her sparkling white teeth. 

"Mae?" I whispered, she nodded and stepped out of the Fazzbear suit. She wore a pastel blue dress that was down just an inch below her fingertips, she climbed out of the box and wrapped her arms around me.

"Happy birthday." She whispered, I wrapped my one arm around her waist and then my other gripped her hair. Of course I was crying. Mae pulled away and looked to Ellen.

"We'll be back after this so don't go away." Ellen waves her hand and she walked away. Mae unwrapped her arms and ran a hand through her blonde hair, I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.

"Best birthday ever." I whispered in her ear, Mae turned her head to look at me and she smiled.

"You missed." she said.


"You missed." Mae leaned in and her soft lips met my own, Mae Parker was finally back in my life.


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