Chapter 15

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Ethan's POV

Buzz buzz buzz

I opened my eyes and picked up my phone.

Maeflower🌺: morning sleepy head!

Me: hi.

Maeflower🌺: I know it's only 8 there. Sorry to wake u up...

Me: it's fine Mae. I've gotta record some vids anyway.

Maeflower🌺: have a good rest of ur day Blueberry!

Me: you too Maeflower.

I set my phone back down and I yawned, I sat up and crawled out of bed. I walked out of my bedroom and into the main room, I felt myself being pulled onto the couch and I let out a straggled yelp.

"And here's Ethan now everybody!" I looked to see Mark with his arms around me, I shot him a glare and then noticed a camera.

"Um..." I ran my fingers through my hair and smiled. "Hi guys!" I looked to see a chat going.'s a livestream. Some of the comments caught my eye.

Where's Mae?

Ethan, where's your little Maeflower?

Where is the maniac?

Does this mean Ethan's single????

No now be quiet.

"Wow. You guys like Mae alot don't you?" Tyler mumbled, I nodded.

"Mae is out in Ireland to visit an old friend of her's." I said, I got up from the couch and left the screen to get some food. I felt my phone buzz from inside my pocket.

Maeflower🌺: I SAW THAT!

Me: wait...what?

Maeflower🌺: nice hair!

Me: shut up

Maeflower🌺: aw. But it looked adorable messy!😉

I smiled to myself and made some instant breakfast. I then walked back to my room and started up my computer, I went into Night In the Woods. I turned on my camera and hit record.

"What is up my Cranky Crew? It's Ethan from CrankGameplays and welcome back to more Night in the Woods! So in our last episode we saw somebody get kidnapped, question mark? I don't really know." I laughed a little bit and thought of Mae and what she would do.


"What's up my little psycos? Mae the Maniac here and today I am going to play a game called Night in the Woods. I here it gives you the chills and makes you wanna run away crying at some times." Mae looked back at me and rolled her eyes. "But I think I'll like this game alot." Mae started the game and did a tiny little dance.

"Oh my gosh! It's so cute!" Mae giggled, the little character named Mae popped up on the screen and I smiled, I leaned closer to Mae and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"Her name's Mae." I whispered, Mae jumped a little and held her hand to her chest.

"Jesus, I forgot you were behind me." Mae breathed, I chuckled softly and scooted my chair closer to hers. Mae clicked on the mouse while still doing her tiny dance.

"Oh I forgot, Ethan's here with me today." Mae said nodding to me, I smiled and waved at the camera.

"Hey guys!" I said, Mae smiled and fixed her headphones. She made the Mae icone go across the screen and back.

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