Chapter 26: Clear

366 2 5

November, 2019

Unnamed Pacific Island

Solomon swoops down from above Mothra, landing behind her, "is it done then?"

"Yes," Mothra replies quietly, "the first MUTO still lives, but he is severely injured and has retreated to the center of the ash cloud."

"I know it's difficult, losing a comrade."

"He wasn't a comrade," Mothra snaps. "Not to Anguirus and Rodan. Not to Battra. And certainly not to me."

"Sorry..." Solomon says, "I never really had anyone besides people I've fought with. I was created for war after all."

A moment of silence passes between them. Both MUTOs stand with their backs facing each other. A cool breeze passes over the irradiated island, the sky has clouded over since earlier in the day.

"What now?" Solomon breaks the silence, "without Acacius we still can't win."

"I'm going to talk to the humans now, they're in danger, and now is not the time for us to fight over circumstances which are so petty."

"But what about Red?"

"We'll deal with him later," Mothra replies. "If we can't solve one problem, we work on the problems we can solve. The first MUTO's...abominations. I'll help you coordinate with Battra, Rodan and Anguirus to destroy them when I return."

Upon reaching the island nation, Mothra is bombarded by anti-aircraft fire, but she easily deflects the shells and continues uninterrupted. She soon lands at the Monarch's facility in Janjira and finds herself surrounded by soldiers equipped with rocket launchers and mortars. A tense few minutes pass, neither side making a move, until the front line breaks open slightly.

Ishiro Serizawa, looking haggard and exhausted, slowly steps in front of the great moth.

Mothra speaks aloud in perfect Japanese, "Doctor." She bows her head.

"Mothra," Serizawa smiles with a bow, "I'm very glad to see you."

"I believe our current circumstances should open discussion for patching our relations, don't you agree?"

Ishiro looks at the ground, "I do, I always have, but I am not the one to make these decisions. The Russians, the UN, I'm not sure..."

"Gojira is dead," Mothra says with pain in her voice. "Tell them this. Perhaps that will satisfy their bloodlust and bring us to peace."

Serizawa looks up at the moth, his brow furrowed, fists clenched tightly, "dead?"

"He swam to the city of Seattle and used his burning heart to delay the enemy. Tell this to your United Nations. Tell them that Gojira died fighting the enemy, and lost. Tell them we fight to protect the earth, that I will fight to protect humanity until my last breath. And tell them that with or without their cooperation, we are all very likely to perish. But, I have never, in my millions of years on this world, experienced a battle where cooperation did not improve one's odds of victory. No matter how small this improvement may be, anything that can be done in this case could be the difference between life and extinction."

A briefly conflicted look crosses Serizawa's face before he walks closer to Mothra's face. He speaks to her in a hushed tone, "I'll do all I can to convince them. Time is of the essence. I'm not permitted to speak of this, but given the situation and what you have said, I must. Something is coming, we detected some sort of enormous tectonic activity on the moon. But the moon doesn't have tectonic plates. A few days ago, the activity stopped, but something left the surface. It's coming here now. Turn your attention to space and I'm sure you can feel it, yes? It will land soon, somewhere in Central Asia."

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