Chapter [9]

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Neko groaned, "S-Sakura-San? W-Why a-are you c-crying? D-Did you g-get hurt?" Neko asked,  worry clear on her voice.

Sakura's eyes widened and tears of joy fell of her eyes, "Neko!!"


Kakashi smiled at Neko.

'What a kind girl. Sakura treats her like trash.. Yet Nelo cares ahour her.' He thought.


Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly at the angry Ibiki, "SHE IS BEING WHAT!?" He shouted furiously,  anger plastered over his usually stoic face (not around Neko though)

Ibiki placed a hand on Neko's head, "Hey dont listen to her. She's just jealous of how strong you are." He nodded convincing Neko immediately.

"I-I'm strong?" She smiled ear to ear, "Y-You think s-so?"

Ibiki nodded, "Yes." He said proudly.

Neko hugged him, "A-Arigato,  I-Ibiki-San!"

Kakashi sweatdropped, "Uhm, anyways.. I need to talk to you privately.. Neko.. You stay here.. Okay?"

"H-Hai.." Neko nodded before going inside the house.


Kakashi talked to Ibiki about the nightmare incident the Genin were telling him while Neko was sleeping.


Naruto did the same thing, but to Kiba.

Kiba seemed to understand slightly, and agreed to stop dissing her.


Neko yawned and hurried to the training ground to practice her Kekkei Genkei.

She created Shadow Clones and left kunai on the ground.

"O-Okay.. R-Ready.. G-Go." Neko commanded before kunai flew towards her.

She dodged most of them,  but a few nicked her right arm and let leg.

"Not fast enough." Neko growled, "Again."


Kiba decided to go training, and saw Neko dodging Kunai at extremely high speed.

Neko panted and stopped after the Kunai stopped firing, "Not.. Fast... Enough!" She said, "Go."

This is maybe the 20th time.

She was bleeding now from all the cuts that the kunai left.

Neko sighed before licking the wounds on her arms.

Kiba watched her strange actions,  and spotted the wounds staring to heal.


Neko finally dodged all the kunai without getting scratched.

She panted slightly and bent over, before passing out from using her chakra too much.

Tomorrow,  she'll train her Kekkei Genkei.

Kiba returned to where Neko lay after training with Akamaru.

Akamaru barked happily and licked Neko's cheek, "Arf!" He didn't say anything.

Kiba carried her to a tree and let her lay her tired head on his lap.

Neko shifted slightly, inching closer to the blushing Inuzuka.

Akamaru gave a cheeky grin, "I'm going home. Arf!"  He barked happily and trotted away.

Kiba sighed and pet her head for some reason.

Neko purred slightly when Kiba trailed his hand to her ears.

He smirked, mischief clear on his eyes.

Neko frowned, "No... Not.. Not again.. Don't... Don't touch him!" Neko shouted before bolting up, breaking out into a cold sweat.

She looked around, before launching herself onto Kiba, "Y-You're o-okay!" She shouted with glee.

Kiba tilted his head to the side, "Well yeah,  why wouldn't I be?"

Neko realized that she was hugging him, "O-Oh! Gomen! I-I d-didn't know!" She stammered,  worried that he would glare at her.

"Hey! It's no big deal." Kiba grinned, trying to get a good impression from her.

Neko sighed, "I'm sorry.. F-For wasting y-your time." She bowed her head slightly, "I-I know you t-think I-I'm weak.."

Kiba tensed, "Neko.. I.."

"That's w-why I-I'm training.. T-To get a-all o-of your guys' a-approval.." She explained why she was pushing herself.

Kiba frowned, "But you don't need to push yourself. Take breaks from time to time, you know?"

Neko smiled, "No thanks.. I-I don't w-want t-to l-let you d-down.. O-Or anyone e-else." She smiled a smile that wavered slightly.

Kiba decided to help her relax by scratching her head and her ears.

Neko pushed her head into his hand, encouraging him to continue petting her.

She purred with delight.

Kiba smirked, "You're cute." He chuckled pet her tail.

Neko was one of those weird cats that let their owner touch their tails.

She began to purr again, "K-Kiba-San~." She purred out.

Kiba blushed slightly, but didn't stop.

He enjoyed seeing her relax.

Naruto told him that Neko didn't relax much, so that's why he's doing this.


Neko blushed slightly, "H-Hmph."

Shikamaru's team happened to be at the training grounds.

Ino teased them to no end.

Asuma seemed like he would let them relax, so they took the time.

'I am so telling Ibiki and Kakashi.' He chuckled as he lit another cigarette.


Ino squealed, "You guys should totally be a couple!!" She encouraged.

Neko blushed redder than red itself.

She began to feel light headed.

Kiba began to panic, "Oh no! What do I do?! Naruto's gonna kill me if he finds out I killed his closest friend!"

Ino scoffed, "She's not dead  idiot."

N-Neko-Chan! [Naruto Fanfiction, Kiba Lovestory]Where stories live. Discover now