Digging in deep

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Mrs. Morrison: Randy when was the last time you talked to Johnny?

Randy: Actually, the last time I talked to him was Friday night after the football game. I tried texting him Saturday morning but he never texted me back, they were supposed to be at the funeral.

Mrs.Morrison: Im getting really worried, he said that he would go straight from his cousin's lake house to the funeral with Melina.

Randy: If you want Mrs. Morrison I can give Melina a call, she should answer anyway. Her phone is always charged.

Mrs. Morrison: thank you, Randy.

  *randy left the inside of the house where some of the parents and family of miz and Maryse were at to the backyard where the gamg was sitting by the pool. He took out his phone and tried giving Melina a call.*

Edge: Jeff and Ash you guys are crazy motherfuckers. Do you actually believe kelly? None of that stuff can be real.

Ashley: *ash and Jeff told the rest of the crew what happened w kelly, they didnt want any of the parents, adults or officer mason who was at the service, trying to listen in. They didn't want them to freak out.* guys kelly is really stressed and paranoid by this. I think we should figure out who the hell she keeps dreaming about.

Maria: what did you say the name was, Freddy? I've never heard of anyone named that. Besides that hot character from Scooby doo..my first crush ever.

Candice: Come on guys this is pointless, let's just go over and hang out with kells. Make her feel better or keep her busy, get her mind off things. In two weeks is the Halloween party in Chris's Cornfield. Maybe that will cheer her up.

John: I am so fucking pumped for that. *john high fived Matt across from him.*

Ashley: come on guys, we have to focus and see who this guy is in Kelly's dream. This Freddy dude could be connected to Miz and Maryse's murder.

Trish: Ash, dont go digging your nose in places that can get you in trouble.

Ashley: Come on guys, think about it. This Freddy guy can be connected to marye and miz!. Shouldn't we try and figure it out, the cops aren't doing anything no more. Its been weeks sine their murder and they havent gotten anything close. So why not just figure this out ourselves.

Lita: So what you're saying Kelly knows more about the murder than any of us.

John:  What if Maryse or miz told Kelly about some dude Freddy, that's why her mind would make up this guy in her dreams. What if he was in the room upstairs and kelly didn't realize it when she saw miz and Maryse body. Maybe their is a connection. There has to be something.

Edge: *snaps his finger* diary. Diary! Maryse has a diary she writes in.

Candice: Excuse my edge, but how do you know about this diary. Maryse doesn't tell anyone about that, besides Melina and I.

Edge: yea, well just because Maryse doesn't talk about it, doesn't mean Miz didn't. He would slip out some things when he would get too high.

Maria: wait, you guys knew she had a diary that she writes in all the time and didn't even think to tell us? What If it can tell us who could have possibly killed Maryse and Miz. Most murderers kill people they know.

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