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Anxiety quietly opened his bedroom door, peaking into the hallway. He looked down and too his right and saw what seemed to be a sleeping Prince.

Anxiety sighed, opened his door and  kneeled next to Prince. He looked at how the man had huggedvhis knees to his chest, and how his head was leaning on his knees. Anxiety brushes some of the hair out of Prince's face before trying his best to pick him up.

Anxiety was a lot weaker than he thought, because he could barely pick up Prince. He probably weighed a lot given that he is constantly training and muscle would make up the majority of weight. Anxiety stumbled a little bit before placing the man on his bed. Pulling the covers over Prince's body proved to be a struggle but nevertheless Anxiety did it for Prince. Because he cares about Prince. He has even through the break up and all that has happened after that.

As much as he hated to admit it, Anxiety was still in love with Prince. There was absolutely, positively no denying it. And Anxiety hated it because he was broken up with and it was his fault the relationship went south.

Before he broke down again, Anxiety looked away from the man on his bed, instead looking at his walls. He layed down next to Prince and scratched his own arm subconsciously. He turned over again, shutting his eyes shut tightly and willing his mind to let him sleep.


When Anxiety woke up, Prince was still sleeping. At least, that is what he thought as he opened his eyes and saw the white shirt and complementary red sash. Anxiety suddenly jolted up, realizing he had been cuddling with Prince.

He was met with a small whining noise in return "Aw, why'd you move?"

Anxiety felt his cheeks become flames as he looked down at Prince from his position. He awkwardly was twisted around when Prince pulled him back down. Anxiety, shocked, turned his head so he looked up at Prince. Prince looked down at Anxiety with a grin. Anxiety was confused on why Prince was so keen on  keeping Anxiety so close to him when they weren't together.

Prince pulled Anxiety closer, wrapping his arms around Anxiety's waist. Anxiety felt Roman kiss his forehead and that's when he completely lost it.

He shoved himself away from Prince, actually falling off the bed as a result. He couldn't handle being that close to Prince. Not after all he's done to try and get over him. He couldn't  let himself act like he was dating Roman because then he would want more. And wanting wasn't good.

Prince was acting as if they were together or even like they were close friends. (Which, by the way, they aren't anymore.)

Thoughts and doubts glee through Anxiety's mind as he pulled his knees to his chest.

Why did he ever let himself believe that the relationship would last?

Why did he let himself ruin what he had?

Why was it always him?

Why was he the problem?

Why could he never do anything right?

Anxiety thought about one question repetitively.

Why was Prince trying to cuddle with Anxiety when he was the one who ended the relationship anyway?

Hiya this was short but tbh I wasnt entirely sure what I should have been writting for this chapter but I hope y'all are ready for some angst! Because its about to get angsty and some miscommunication and lots of sad but it will get better I promise

The Leader of the Bad Guys Sang [Prinxiety]Where stories live. Discover now