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Cas 🐝: how's my ravioli whore

Dean is typing...

Dean 🔫: Cas wtf ???

Cas 🐝: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Dean 🔫: dude chill out

Cas 🐝: my chill left hours ago

Cas 🐝: I have 0% chill left

Cas 🐝: whoops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Dean 🔫: u need to stop

Cas 🐝:

Cas 🐝: aHah si k e

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Cas 🐝: aHah si k e

Dean 🔫: cA S

Cas 🐝: u love me

Dean 🔫: not when ur like this no

Cas 🐝: :(

Dean 🔫: (¬_¬)

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