
180 7 1

'Dean 🔫' has been added to the group by 'Sammyboy 💤'

'Cas 🐝' has been added to the group by 'Sammyboy 💤'

Sammyboy 💤: new group chat who dis

Cas 🐝: lmao that went from 0 to 100 mad fast

Dean 🔫: well excuse me Mr. Perfect

Sammyboy 💤: I agree with the angel

Dean is typing...

Dean 🔫: y'all suck :(

Cas 🐝: ass

Dean 🔫: what

Cas 🐝: u said we suck and I said ass

Cas 🐝: so therefore I suck ass

Sammyboy 💤: bruh same

Sammyboy 💤: not deano's bc that's called incest

Sammyboy is typing...

Sammyboy 💤: and it's illegal

Dean 🔫: no it's not Sam

Sammyboy 💤: to me it is u jerk

Dean 🔫: bitch

Cas 🐝: assbutt

Sammyboy 💤: wow very unique Cas

Cas 🐝: see at least someone appreciates my sayings

Cas is typing...

Cas 🐝: unlike Dean

Dean 🔫: wow someone's salty

Sammyboy 💤: yeah u are

Dean 🔫: bitch please

Cas is typing...

Cas 🐝: Sam isn't a female nor is he a dog

Dean 🔫: damn it Cas stop taking facts from Luci

Cas 🐝: :))

Sammyboy is typing...

Sammyboy 💤: damn the shade is real in this one

Cas 🐝: someone call the police bc someone's shady af !!!

Sammyboy 💤:

Dean 🔫: piss off

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Dean 🔫: piss off

Cas 🐝: ily bby :)))

Dean 🔫: not today hoe !!

Sammyboy is typing...

Sammyboy 💤: lol damn

Sammyboy 💤: time to skidaddle out of this mess

'Sammyboy 💤' has left the conversation

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