Moonbin. Comfort Zone(R)

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Author: Author Lee

Requester: Lulu-livinghope


Your POV

    Moonbin placed the plate of food before you as you sighed. You felt bad for making him cook for you. He had dance practise with the boys all day and coming back to cook for you, was sweet but at the same time tiring.

  “Hey” he whispered, getting back your attention. You picked up your fork and smiled to him. Moonbin could tell it was fake.

“...Is there something wrong?” he asked. You shook your heading. Everything was fine. It was supposed to be. He sighed, dropping his fork.

“Jagiya” he called soothingly, stroking your hair. “If there's something going on you should tell me okay?”

“Ofcourse. I can't hide anything from you” you said, flashing him a more believable smile. He nodded as you began to eat while he watched you. He knew something was wrong.


“What are you going to do?” your sister asked as you sighed. “I don't know. I mean, I'm sure I like him but I don't think it's enough to stay with him”

“Think about this carefully (y/n), you might lose him if you don't decide fast. I mean, lately you've been blowing him off cause you can't face him. Studying? He won't believe that Crap.” she tapped your shoulder. “You should tell him, he deserves to know”

You bit your lips, making them turn red as you played with the buttons on your shirt. This was too risky. You weren't sure of how he would take the news but you still had to tell him. He needed to know.

Oh shoot! This was hard. You buried your head in your knees and sighed. You had to tell him.


“Bin...” your voice cracked a bit. You weren't emotional before you start to speak but now you  were on the verge of crying.

“What's going on? Did something happen? Go on tell me...please” he pleaded taking your arm in his.


“You what..?”

You pulled out your hand out of his hand. “I am-”

“You are what? Stop the suspense and tell me” he pleaded as you nodded. Fine. This was it.

“I. Am. Leaving. For. Australia. This year.”

He smiled, squeezing your hand gently. “God, I was worried. I thought something bad happened”

“You aren't mad?”

“Why would I be mad? I am perfectly sane” he replied with you hitting his arm. You scoffed.

“Dad wants Mom to bring me over to Australia to go study there but I've got to pass some kind of exam first” you explained.

“Okay. Let me get this straight, If you pass this exam, you go right?” you nodded as Bin smirked. “How about failing so you don't go?”

“You Nasty” you said, hitting him on the shoulder. “I have to go. This is a very big opportunity that I can't afford to lose”

He planted a kiss on your forehead. “I wasn't going to make you stay. I'd be happy if you go jagi” you blushed, hugging him.

“But when's the exam, I want to help you prepare”

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