Sanha. Music(R)

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Author: Author Lee.


Scenario: Cute.


Your POV

    You had never been in a hurry to get out of your present class. You packed your writing materials heading for the exit. There was no way you were going to sit at the back for music. Music was the only thing that excited you at school. Music was a subject you treated with devoted respect.

   “Hey” you waved at some of your classmates placing your bag in the bag locker before taking a seat at the front. You were the third to show up and that was cool with you. You had gotten what you wanted anyway.

The rest of the class trooped in with you looking around for your pencil. You were sure you brought it in with you. Why were you so clumsy?

Turning to the boy beside you, you shyly asked him for an extra pencil.

He stared at you clueless for a while before giving one to you. You thanked him promising to return it when you were done.

You listened to your teacher speak about instruments and sighed deeply. You knew about instruments but you could hardly play any. You watched your neighbor answer a few questions about the guitar. He was one lucky Boy.

“That's the end of today's class. Now, I want you to pair up with your partner cause both of you must teach yourselves how to play one instrument.. This will be assessed by the end of the month. Class dismissed” she said, walking out while you turned to your seatmate handing him his pencil.

“Thanks” you mumbled.

“You're welcome. Uhhm, what instrument do you play?” he asked turning his body to face you fully.

You shrugged, looking down at your notepad. “I don't play instrument, I can only sing and interpret Music”

He nodded. “I play the guitar pretty well, will it be okay if we both learn that together? I mean, I can teach you how to play the guitar”

“If it's not too bothersome then sure” you replied with him handing his hand out.

“Great. I'm Yoon Sanha”

“I'm (y/n)”


Day 1.

He had asked you to draw the guitar. You looked at the instrument in front of you and drew it, you had no idea why he was asking you to do so but you did anyway. You drew and labelled what you thought a guitar looked like.

He assessed it carefully before pointing out some mistakes. “An acoustic Guitar has six strings. Its not really different from the other instruments, when it comes to the chords.. They all give out the G and F Clef. They major difference most of them have is the sound. Which is why, anytime you play different instruments, you are able to tell what type it is because of the sound.”

You listened carefully taking notes.


Day 5

“Like this?” you asked him striking the chord he had asked you to strike perfectly.

“Yeah. Like that..” he said looking over at the Guitar in your hand. He noticed you weren't holding it properly.

He moved close to you as your breath hitched, he was too close for comfort. You looked elsewhere as he placed your fingers in the right position.

“Your fingers should always be on this side of the guitar when you're playing”

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