Vyrms are a rare creature, normally found in forest settings. Vyrms are devastatingly large, often several stories long. They have long, snake like bodies, often shrouded by dense, stony scales. They prefer to live underground, and sleep for long periods of time. They do not hunt in packs, but have a strange hive mind type working system, and can sense when another of their kind is under attack and will move to help. There are several types of vyrms, and the rarest is simultaneously the most destructive. It's the largest recorded vyrm, and hasn't been seen since the destruction of the separate territories.
Most people who live within Empire walls call vyrms a myth, but that's mostly due to the skill with which the Empire secures it's people. The vyrms prefer soft, natural soil, unlike the harsh wastelands surrounding the Empire, which is part of the reason most creatures don't come near the Empire.