Cliff hanger! Haha not really...

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My breath shuddered in my lungs, filling me to the brim with nerves. And it ticked me off, this wasn't me. I wasn't some scared little girl, god damnit! I was Chaypin Aspen Red! "Come on Chay grow some balls and do it." I muttered the words lowly to myself.

Shoving the doors open I was greeted with the sight of a hallway filled to the brim with emotional and hormonal teenagers. Joy.

Grey threw an arm over my shoulders, we had gotten our schedules a few weeks before schools tarted so I already knew Ash wasn't in our first period class. Ash waved before trotting off. Grey steered me through the crowd most people running away from the fierce glare that constantly marred his handsome features.

We weren't exactly known for our friendly-ness around here, in fact it was really the exact opposite. Guys tended to give me the most shit cause I was semi (Sadly) short. Then Ash and Grey being protective as they are tended to get into a lot of fights-defending my honor- or some shit.

We walked and went to class, it was kind of an odd class. It was history but Mrs. Rowan taught us mostly about mythology and such like that, it was interesting. But some of the legends got pretty gruesome.

"Alright Class today were going to be talking about greek and..." Her voice faded to the back of my mind as class droned on, Grey by my side was listening to her while I was doing my usual day dreaming.

Before I knew it class had ended and the homework was being passed around. "I expect this all done by Friday!" I took the paper from the person in front of me, not noticing who it was until he spoke. "Uhh... Hey, how are ya doing?"

I looked up, ready to glare at the person before I noticed who it was. "You're the blonde guy from the place I crashed at yesterday right?" He seemed nervous, scratching the back of his head, "Uh, yeah. That's me. I'm Jasper."

I nodded to show I heard, but I didn't feel like conversing so I didn't say anything else. He seemed to get the hint as he turned around, it wasn't that I was trying to be rude. I just wasn't one for conversation, well, unless it was with the guys.

I stood, Grey at my side. As we left the room. I got as far as the door before someone called out "Uh, Hey Chaypin?" I turned, it was Jasper. "Yeah?"

"Um, do you, maybe wanna hang out at lunch today?"

I didn't even have to think before answering. It wasn't that hard of a question to answer. I never stayed for lunch. "Nah, I have plans. Thanks though."

He seemed disappointed but that wasn't my problem.

The next three classes dragged, literally. I was dragging myself through the hallways as a way of procrastination. Don't judge me.

Lunch was a welcome distraction from the crappy first day of the year introductions that all the teachers were doing. Ash, Grey, and I all met at the Quad. It was a large concrete and grass open ceiling thing in the middle of the school where kids commonly grouped.

Ash threw an arm over my shoulder as we walked to the parking lot. This was one of the schools where you could leave during lunch and open periods, as long as you didn't come back late.

Our baby's were sitting in the parking lot all in a row when we got there Jacks black truck next to them, now, you might be wondering how they got here as we walked to school this morning, well, Jack did it. We all like to meet at the cliff for lunch every day. So Jack would drive them here -when we don't ride them here- and then take his own bike up to the cliff and wait for us.

I hopped to my baby, the keys in the ignition, it might not be very smart for someone to do this normally. But most everyone in this town knew who we were, so no one messed with the bikes.

Helmet, check. Boots, check. Bad ass bike, check. I revved the engine, my beast purred beneath me, god that would never get old.

We raced out of the parking lot, yes, raced. It was technically illegal, but in this little town no one ever really bothered us.

The ride to the cliff was short, as always. The cliff was actually just the wall of an old stone quarry. No one had been mining to it in years, and it had filled with water, making a green-ish blue-ish water that filled about on third of the deep hole. The Quarry was also filled with fish, and gave us a beautiful view of the sky through the massive bouts of the old pine trees.

We parked in a line next to Jacks black Kawasaki Ninja. We all had the same models of bikes, just in different colors.

Jack had a blanket set out, the food consisted of ham and cheese sandwiches and water. It wasn't exciting, but really, I think we all had enough excitement in our lives.

We ate in silence, just taking in the air and reveling in it, the fresh, clean, crisp air paired with the snapping scent of pine was extremely relaxing.

But, Like all good things it ended all to soon. A glance at my phone stated it was infact 2:45 which meant that if we didnt get back in the next fifteen mintues we would all be graced wi detention on our first day. No thank you, sir.

I stood, streatched and headed toward the bikes, Ash, Jack, and Grey in toe. Jack shared a goodbye with all of us, including a bone crushing hug with me before he headed off down the winding gravel road that led back to main street.

The ride back to school was spretty un eventful, I mean, if you didnt count our game of tag on the way back. Yes, you read it right, we played tag on our bikes. It was fun, and we only ever did it on long open roads where you could see something coming from a mile away, like this one.

The parking lot was empty by the time we got there.

Me and Grey said a parting to Ash as we walked our seperet ways. Grey and I had the same classes for the rest of the day. Which was great, but it was still school. I groaned and threw my head back. Grey chuckled and threw an arm over my shoulder. "You'll get through it Chay, I'm right here with you."

I nodded and we headed through the crowded hallway and to class. It was going to be a long, long, long, Day.


YAY! NEW CHAPTER! I hope/ think its longer than the last one and hopefully of better quality. I really didnt like the last chapter all that much. Anyway, I just wanted to get this out and... yeah. Anyway, comment, vote, favorite. K, anyway. ON TO THE NEXT CHAPPY!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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