Part 4

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"I told you!" Wanda hisses, standing at the end of the hallway with Natasha. They're both hiding at the corner, peering around and staring at the door.

You're at Bucky's door once more, hovering just outside. It's late, but you're leaving from the looks of it, something under your arm. You smile at Bucky, one he actually returns.

"What the hell is going on?" Wanda whispers. "I've never seen him smile before! What's in that thing under her arm?"

"I don't know," Natasha mutters, uncomfortable. She doesn't like spying on those she works with, although being an assassin has its perks. Steve has been so worried, and Wanda keeps talking about it, so she had to see it for herself.

Yes, you appear to be leaving Bucky's room rather late with something under your arm. That doesn't truly mean anything, although from her calculations you've been there for several hours; Bucky barely spends five minutes with anyone else.

What's going on with you two? Where did you disappear too earlier today? What was in all those boxes he'd help you carry into your room?

There's a lot of questions.

Natasha knows she could just ask, but knowing the two of you, she'd either get a guarded look or a snarky comment telling her it's none of her business --- which is true, of course.

Can't blame her for being concerned, however. Steve is paranoid about Hydra weaseling it's way in, and after what he's been through Natasha doesn't blame him.

She wants to trust you, you don't seem so bad. You're hateful, you don't seem to appreciate helping save the world --- you just want to be left alone.

Your seclusion makes it even more suspicious.

"Come on, before they notice us," she murmurs, taking a step back and pulling the Scarlet Witch with her. "Ease dropping isn't exactly ---."

"Oh, come on! Don't you think this is interesting?" Wanda complains softly, following the red haired woman towards the elevator. "What do you think they're up too?"

"I don't know, but it's none of our concern."



You're seething.

You pace back and forth in the kitchen, rather angry. You knew someone had been watching you, you have a sense about these things. You'd seen them out of the corner of your eye, although you're not sure if Bucky noticed or not.

You hate people spying on you!

What did those two think they were doing!?

You stop in front of the oven, angrily pressing the button to preheat it. You like Wanda, so you don't understand her reasoning for ease dropping on you!

Why are they being so nosy?

Do they have something against you spending time with Barnes?

All you did was watch movies and eat Chinese, you're not doing anything wrong!

You huff, rolling some dough out with your rolling pin, flour already decorating the front of your clothing. The chef had surreptitiously disappeared as soon as he'd seen you near the bar, you're pretty sure he likes taking breaks and you give him a reason too.

You angrily roll your dough out, watching as it flattens, trying to be careful and not make it tear. It had taken you years to get the formula right, to make it where it isn't too sticky or too dry. You follow your own recipe, and it's one of your favorites.

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