Part 6

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"You can't run."

"What else can I do?"


"I can't stay, Barnes."

Bucky stares at you as you mop at your face, brushing away the tears staining your cheeks. You're muttering, you're intent on leaving, but he doesn't want that. For your sake, and for his own; you're one of the few people he likes talking too, that he enjoys having around.

You can't leave.

"Well, you can't go. They'll find you, you're safest here." He watches as you step to the door that leads to your bedroom, flicking on the light as you search for the tissues you know are around. You hastily grab one, turning your back to him as you wipe at your eyes.

"How am I safe here? If they want, they can come in here and ---."

"Hydra will never get you." Bucky says flatly, your eyes flicking to him at this tone. He steps into the doorway, staring down at you with a dark gaze. "I won't let them. They won't do anything to you, they'll never come near you."

Right, touchy subject, you'd almost forgotten about that. Of everyone, Bucky knew most what could happen if Hydra caught someone. You want to avoid them, you don't want to be forced to hurt anyone. You don't mind tossing a few aliens around, but that's as far as you go with violence.


"Promise me you won't go," his voice is terse as he steps up to you, inches away; you can feel the heat from his body as you look up at him, seeing the darkness in his blue eyes. "Promise me."

"I can't ---."

"(Y/N)." His hands rise, and they gently close around your upper arms. His metal hand is almost rough, but he's not hurting you; he just wants you to understand how serious he is. "Don't run. Running is how they catch you."

"They didn't you."

"Steve found me."


"Just like he found me," you mutter, scowling. "I wouldn't be in this mess, Hydra wouldn't even know about me ---."

"Don't blame him, he feels guilty enough about it." Bucky interrupts you, not wanting to hear you down his best friend. "He didn't realize S.H.I.E.L.D. would get involved."

"Well, he should have thought about it," you grumble, not about to be told to let something go without one more gripe.

He actually rolls his eyes at you!

You scowl as he drops his hands, stepping back from you. You're embarrassed you went all teary eyed in front of him, but the world around you is on fire, and you don't even have a glass of water. You pinch the bridge of your nose, trying to remind yourself what happens when you lose control.

It's not good.

Exploding lasagna.


You sigh, leaning your hip against the pale white dresser, staring at Bucky. How does he do it? How does he seem so calm all the time despite what's going on? Your inner self is in turmoil, and you've never been good at it. Usually you run when things get hard, it's always worked for you before.

"I don't know what else to do." You say simply, your shimmery eyes raising to his. "What do I do, Bucky?"

"Stay," he says simply, standing inches away from you, his dark eyes on your face. "Stay here."

"You keep saying stay, Bucky, but I ---."

"You can't go," he murmurs, and to your surprise his real hands rises, brushing damp hair behind your ear. "If you're here, I can keep you safe. I won't let them get to you, I ---."

Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now