Nursing Old Wounds

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Connor paced in the kitchen of the Manor, unable to control his thoughts. Anytime he passes the spare bedroom that Clarke is staying in, he can hear her crying. He can't do anything, he killed her people. Well, who she thought were her people.

"Don't take this out on yourself, Connor," Achilles says, leaning on his cane. "I've learned to try to forgive myself as well."

"How do you expect me to forgive myself?" He demanded, facing his mentor. "Had I been sooner, had I trained harder-"

"She'd still be here. Everything happened almost ten years ago, we can do nothing to change that. What we can do is help her fight back. You've taken down William Johnson and John Pitcairn, you just need to continue fighting. But don't go mad, take your time. Do it all right so you don't have to do so again."

Connor went to open his mouth, though stopped when he saw a man enter. "Who is this?"

"This is Benjamin Tallmadge, his father worked with us so no need for secrecy. I was hoping he could help us with continuing our plan."


Benjamin them stepped forward. "I understand you have descovered a plan for someone to take down Washington?"

"I do, though have no proof of it."

"No need to worry about that, Thomas Hickey is your man - and I plan to help you catch him."


"I'll explain on the way, you and I are headed for New York." Benjamin leads the native towards the door, though is stopped by a female voice.

"I'm coming with you."

Turning, they see Clarke with her hair in a long braid, dressed in gear that she no doubt found in Achilles's stash.

Turning, they see Clarke with her hair in a long braid, dressed in gear that she no doubt found in Achilles's stash

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"Pardon me but, who's this?" Benjamin asks, most people not accustomed to women taking charge.

"This is Clarke," Achilles explains. "And I believe it will be beneficial if she were to come along. She is quite good with a sword and if you are to give her a gun, she won't miss."

"I'm not sure the battlefield is a fit place for a woman, though."

"I'll be fine," the blonde walks to them, looking utterly tiny standing next to Connor's large body. "Besides, I need to get to Charles Lee. Connor will help me."

The native looked down at her, relief flooding his face. She understood why he did what he did. And she wanted revenge. "I'll watch her."

"Fine, but don't keep us waiting."

The two men exit the house, Clarke following right behind after having goodbye to the man who raised her. Looking over at the horses, she sees Connor motioning to get on the back of his.

"Are you sure?" She asks. "I don't want to be a bother."

"I'd feel better if you were riding with me."

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