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Warning! this is a lemon chapter! 

Ino and Sasuke had been confused about the whole ordeal the day before, and woke up early to think about it while Naruto slept.

"So, what, exactly, happened yesterday?" Ino asked, looking at Sasuke, who looked just as confused as Ino felt. He shrugged, and grabbed a nearby tomato to eat while they were talking.

'Heh.' Both Sasuke and Ino jumped when they heard the strange voice, and they looked around cautiously.

"Who was that?" Ino asked, inching closer to Sasuke.

'Kurama. I'm talking directly into your minds so Naruto doesn't know that I am. Oh, this is hilarious!' They heard howling laughter in their minds and frowned. He must know what was happening to Naruto.

'Yeah, I know. I'm just not telling you, 'cuz this is amazing to watch!' Ino frowned worriedly, and Sasuke grabbed her hand to comfort her.

"Will he get hurt? Is he going to die?" Sasuke asked, and felt ice in his veins, fear and worry practically rolling off of him.

'Nah, brats. But, heh, I would think that you should be cautious around him. He's not going exactly be himself.' This rose their worry for the boy even higher, and they glanced at the room the boy was currently sleeping in.

'He's awake.' For some reason, the mad cackling Kurama did after he said that scared them. Naruto glanced tiredly at the two as he stepped out the door, before his eyes widened and he rushed at them.

Naruto flashed them to the training ground and sat by the tree. "Naruto are you okay?" Ino said leaning over. Naruto looked up and had a perfect view of her breasts . Naruto tackled her and kissed her while grabbing her breasts. Ino turned bright red. "Sasuke help!" Ino shouted when Naruto kissed her shoulder before biting it leaving a mark that glowed red before becoming the shape of a fox. Sasuke grabbed Naruto by the waist and lifted the growling fox off Ino. Naruto got free and turned to Sasuke and charged biting Sasuke's shoulder also leaving the red fox mark. Naruto suddenly started rubbing his thigh on Sasuke's member. Sasuke moaned and Ino stood up and winced due to the bite on her shoulder.

"Naruto!" Kakashi's voice echoed as his two shadow clones tried to hold Naruto. Naruto struggled.

"Hahahaha" Kurama walked out of the trees "Kakashi you should know better than to separate a kitsune in heat from their mates." Naruto freed himself and knocked Kakashi over, snarling at the man.

"N-Naruto!" Ino shouted, running towards them to pull the boy off of the confused man. Sasuke was still too stunned and aroused to think clearly, but shook his head quickly and ran over as well.

Naruto, catching the scents of both of them, jumped off of the man and quickly jumped on Ino, who froze, and began nipping and kissing the side of her neck.

Ino gasped and shook as he did this, and Naruto growled when, once again, he was interrupted by a pink haired menace.

"What's going on here?!" She screeched, shocked at what was happening before her very eyes. Ino, who was finally feeling what Naruto was doing, became irritated as well. Sasuke honestly couldn't have cared if the girl was there or not, because he wanted to fuck the blond boy, or the other way around. He didn't truly care.

He knew that Ino didn't want anyone seeing her like this, so he walked over to the shaking and shocked Sakura, and glared at her intensely.

"We are having sex. Leave." Sakura wailed loudly before running full force into Kakashi, knocking the grown man over yet again, this time on a rock, causing him to pass out with the sobbing girl in his arms.

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