Dear Mark,
Billy asks if I'm writing to his uncle again. I've said yes. He wants me to say hi. Would you like to be his uncle? No that's silly, you have your own kids. You don't need a fake nephew. In case you're wondering, his first day at school was 'ok'. He made a new friend who actually is called Billy, ironic. Anyway, I've forgotten where we were with the story of me and Jack. Oh, yes, I was beginning to get annoyed with him, wasn't I? So I'll carry on from there.
My annoyance at him was growing every second, until I eventually snapped and sent him packing again a few weeks after he'd moved in. I told him it didn't mean he couldn't come and visit Billy, it just meant I didn't want him lazing around my apartment anymore. He left. No arguments or anything. But a few hours later I got a call from my mum. There was a reason I'd never given her my number, but I suppose that's why Jack told her it.
Anyway, I answered it, even though I didn't particularly want to. You have to do things in life you don't want to though, don't you Mark. I bet you didn't want to accidently tell the police where you and the bodies were hiding, but you did anyway. So yes, I answered the phone and listened to my mum babble on for a while. Telling me how worried she'd been about me, how her and my dad were sorry for all the things they'd said to me, how they'd love to come and meet Billy properly. But I hung up when she started to tell me how she thought her and dad might be getting a divorce. I hadn't said a word to her, and I still haven't, not even now. I don't even know if she's still alive.
I didn't talk to Jack for a while either, I stayed locked in the house, looking after my son and only answering the door when it was Jenny, my only real friend, bringing me food or a newspaper to read. Most of the time, I kept Billy happy by playing your music. I still remember the way his bright blue eyes would light up anytime I took one out of it's case. In fact, his eyes remind me a lot of Glen's, and his hair is dark, nearly the same colour as Danny's was. He still gets so happy when he hears you singing. He wants to grow up to be like you, he tells me. I don't think I want him too.
We didn't see Jack and my anger slowly lessened, so we started venturing out again. We were still avoided all the places we'd normally see him, because I still wasn't sure if I'd be able to stop myself snapping his neck on the spot. Billy kept asking about his dad, wondering if he was busy at work or something. I'd scoff at this. Jack didn't work. Why would he when he had me to do everything. Slowly, I began to feel more confident in the way I'd be able to keep my hands away from his neck, so we started to spend more time as a family again.
But I might have to leave it there again tonight Mark. Billy's invited the real Billy around for a sleepover. I need to go sort out some beds for them. He's asking me if Billy will like your music aswell. It might be best for me not to play it. Just in case he knows your story. It's all over the internet you know. If anyone searches for The Script, it's the first thing that comes up. 5 million results Mark. All pictures of you. That mad grin on your face as you were dragged into the back of a van. Maybe I'll look like that when they lock me up. Maybe I'll have as many results as you do. Who knows. I wonder if you've ever seen sunlight since they locked you away. Or eaten a KFC. That's where Billy wants me to take him tonight.