How you meet-The Vampire Diaries

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Stefan-You're dad just got a new job in a town called Mystic Falls so you and your family moved there. It's your first day of school and you know no one. Walking out of the office you bump in to someone and fall flat on your butt. HUMILIATING! "Oh my god I'm so sorry." You say. "It's fine, I should have been watching where I was going...I'm Stefan Salvatore." "Y/N Y/L/N"

Damon-You walk into the Mystic Grill after a long day of work and head straight to the bar. "Hey Matt pour up the usual." Then you hear an annoying voice say,"and who are you ordering around my blonde bartender?" "I'm Y/N Y/L/N" "well I am the infamous Damon Salvatore."

Matt-You've known him your entire life in fact you,Matt,and the Gilberts grew up together.

Tyler-You went to a party at the Mayors house. He and his family were greeting people at the steps. You see this very attractive boy standing on the steps. Must be the mayors son. "Good evening,how are you?" He asks half heartedly. "I am very good thank you. By the way I can tell you were forced to say that." He looks at me shocked. "Well I'm Tyler Lockwood but you can call me tonight." "Hey Tonight I'm Y/N Y/L/N."

Alaric-You're a student at Mystic Falls High School when your history teacher,Mr.Tanner, is part of an "animal attack" but you believe something entirely different. You walk in to classroom on the first day since Tanner died and see an amazingly sexy guy in the front of the classroom. "Who might you be young lady?" He asks in his best grown up voice. "Y/N Y/L/N sir." I'm Alaric but in here I'm Mr.Saltzman." Then he winked and told me to take my seat.

Klaus-You and you're family were taking a trip to New Orleans. When you were walking down the street this guy came up to you,looked you right in the eye,and said,"don't scream." You were very confused. His eyes went all funky and you knew in that second he was a vampire. You came from Mystic Falls. "You're a vampire and I'm on vervain." He looks at you for a second. "Klaus Mikealson." "Y/N Y/L/N."

Kol-You had heard about the Originals but never met any of them...that is until you were invited to their ball. You got all dressed up then arrived at the packed Mikealson house. A very attractive guy came up to you and said,"Hello darling,I'm Kol Mikealson. And you are?" "Y/N Y/L/N."

Kai-You had done some pretty bad things in your time of about 346 bad that a coven of witches called the Gemini Coven sent you to a fucking prison world. May 10 1994 for two years before you noticed anyone else was there with you. You walked into this random house in some town called Mystic Falls to find this guy sitting there. "Hi I'm Kai." "Y/N."

Elena-you were over at your best friend Matt's house and he wouldn't shut up about his new girlfriend when you heard a knock on the door. "There she is now." Matt goes to the door and you hear a bunch of kissy noises then they come in the room. "Hi I'm Elena Gilbert." She says very politely. "Y/N Y/L/N."

Caroline-your mom had just become good friends with the sheriff and insisted you go over to her house and go meet the sheriff and her daughter. When you got to the address your mom gave you,you stopped for a minute because meeting new people always gave you anxiety. Then you knocked. "Hello you must be Y/N,I'm Liz Forbes the sheriff...CAROLINE...and this is my daughter Caroline." A blonde girl pops up from behind the door. "Hello." She says. "Hi." Is all you could get out.

Bonnie-you're Aunt and uncle had just died so you had to fly to Virginia from UCLA to go and comfort your cousins. When you got to there house you see a bunch of cars in the driveway. When you walk into the house Jeremy runs to you and says,"oh my god Y/N!" Then Elena and a girl you have never seen before walks out."Y/N this is my best friend Bonnie Bennet." "Hello" you say.

Katherine-your sister Rose and friend Trevor were out in the woods and you heard one scream then everything fell silent. Minutes later Trevor and Rose came through the door with a passed out woman in their arms. "What happened?" you asked horrified." The originals happened." "What happened to me?" the woman asked. "You were knocked out,do you know your name?" "It's Katherine. What is yours?" "My name is Y/N."

Rebekkah-you were out shopping and looking for a new outfit because why not and you spotted this girl looking terribly confused so you asked,"excuse me,is there something you need because I come here all the time." She looked you up and down for a moment before saying,"there is one thing you could give me." You asked,"what is it?" She smirked then said,"your number."

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