They propose-TVD

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Stefan-you two were celebrating your 5 year anniversary by taking a romantic walk through all the important places like where you went on your first date where you had your first kiss and so on. Your last stop was the high school. "Stefan what are we doing here?" "You'll see." He walks with you all the way to the office then says,"this is where we first met. You were walking out of the office and we ran into eachother. YN my life is messy and cluttered and very confusing but when I'm with you I feel like it's clean and there is so much space and I understand it all completely. You make me feel special and chosen and I want to feel like that forever so YN YLN,will you marry me?" He asks with tears in his eyes. "Yes of course."

Damon:you were at the grill with Damon and he ordered you both a bourbon. While waiting Damon looks at you and says,"you know I love you so much and I never want it to end because my life is amazing with you." You were confused. "Damon what are you saying?" Then your bourbons came and when you went to take a sip you saw something floating in it. You got it out and Damon took it from you,got down on one knee,and said,"will you marry me?" "Yes oh my god yes."

Matt: You and Matt were having a dinner party to celebrate peace in Mystic Falls for the first time in a long time. When you were all drinking champagne you heard Matt start to tap on his glass. "Everyone I would like to make a toast. To Mystic Falls for not breaking under pressure,to all of you for being strong fighters,but mostly to YN for being my wonderful and amazing girlfriend. YN I don't really know how to do this and make this as special as you deserve but I love you more than words can explain and I never want anything to happen to us. YN YLN will you marry me?" "Let me think about that oh wait uhh yes!"

Tyler: you had a very long day at work and you wanted to go home and cuddle in to the secure and strong arms of your boyfriend Tyler. When you got to your shared house you called out but he didn't answer so you assumed he went to bed. You quietly walked up the stairs and to your bedroom and when you turned on the light your heart stopped. There was Tyler wearing a suit on one knee with a ring in his hand. "Marry me." Was all he said,"what?" "Marry me. I know I am a dick a lot of the time but you cool me down and I feel that as long as I'm with you I will never fall apart. So YN YLN will you marry me?" "Yes yes yes yes a thousand times yes."

Alaric: it is the day of your graduation and your boyfriend Alaric was up on stage helping call out names and hand out diplomas. When he called out your name and gave you your diploma he asked you to wait before walking off stage. "YN YLN I have loved you for 4 amazing years but have never been able to show it in front of anyone but our family and close friends. Now that you are not to young and there really are no rules I can show everyone just how much I love you. But if you think my love for you ends there you are terribly mistaken because I want to spend the rest of my life with you,so YN YLN will you marry me?" "Oh my god Ric
Yes." Then you shared your first kiss in public and as an engaged couple.

Klaus:it was the annual Mikealson ball and you were with Klaus like you always are. When it was his turn to speak he said," thank you all for coming. Tonight is a very special night for me. As you all well know I am in love with this amazing,strong,and independent woman named YN YLN but what most of you don't know is that I want to spend the rest of my incredibly long life on this dreadful earth with her. What I am trying to say is YN YLN will you marry me?" "I think you already know the answer Klaus." "That means yes."

Kol:you and Kol were doing what you love most,taking lovely strolls on the beach. While walking Kol asked you a question that you didn't know how to answer. He said,"have you ever thought about a future with me?" "I guess I always thought it was going to stay this way." "All I ever think about is us getting married and having a family,and I think I am ready to start our journey together." "Kol what are you saying?" Then he stops and looks out at the beach and says,"look at that." When you look the words spelled out in sand says will you marry me? With a yes box and a no box below it. You run up to the sign with a big stick and erase the boxes with your foot along with the no and write yes yes yes yes yes. Kol runs up to you with the ring and passionately kisses you.

Kai:one day Jo invited you to hang out with her,Elena,Caroline,and Bonnie. You said yes because they were your friends and you loved them. They took you to a bunch of stores and the last one you went to was a wedding dress store. "Why are we here?" You ask. "Haven't you wanted to see yourself in a wedding dress before. I just come here and try on dresses because I like looking." Jo says. So you guys go in and when you try on a dress you ask,"how does it look?" Then you hear someone from behind you say,"lovely babe,but it would look so much better with this on your finger." When you turn around Kai is on one knee with a ring in his hand. "Kai what is this?" "I want you to marry me. You look amazing in that dress so we could get it and then get married." "Kai I would love to marry you."

Elena:you and Elena were out at dinner and talking about life and your friends and your relationship when Elena says,"I don't like how people don't think we can do anything more than kiss and have sex because we are two girls. I love you so much and I don't care about gender. You are perfect for me babe and I want to be with you until a wooden stake or a heart rip do us part." "Lena are you saying what I think your saying?" "Everybody listen to what I am going to say because I know a lot of you are against this but this woman right here is the absolute love of my life and I am going to do something great with her so YN YLN will you marry me?" "Yes Elena."

Caroline: there was a party for Carolines mom and you and her were setting out dishes and taking them back to fill them up again. After the pictures of sheriff Forbes video Caroline took that out and put in one of your entire relationship. It ended with a video of you two saying I love you to each other. "YN has always been there for me and loved me like no one else so right now I would like to return the favour of making her feel special and loved by asking her something that will change both of our lives forever. YN YLN will you marry me?" "Oh my god Caroline yes."

Bonnie:you and Bonnie were working on spells and Bonnie wanted to show you something special. She lit up the candles then made them spell out marry me? And the second you saw it you started crying and nodding.

Katherine:you and Kat were talking when all of a sudden she looked at you and said,"you are the only person in this entire world and in my long miserable life that has made me feel loved and appreciated. Marry me. I don't have a ring but I have undying love for you. Marry me." "Sure why not."

Rebekah:you were invited to a Mikealson family dinner and you were dressed up very nicely. When you get to the dinner all the Mikealsons are already there. After about 20 Minutes of listening to them argue you asked,"why am I here Bekah?" "Because love you are my family. Or I would like you to be. I want to have a family with you and live together and...I want to be married to you so YN YLN will you marry me?" "Yes Bekah oh my god I love you so much."

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